Subject: Receive Your Secret "Dead Name" From The Angel Of Death

THE NECROMANCER: Path Of The Descended Masters
You’re about to learn secrets that most magicians will never know about Spirits of the Dead… learn to perform rituals to master the Crossroads of the Afterlife with the Gods and Goddesses of Death
Conner Kendall    305 Pages    Tuesday, January 26
Download a FREE ebook of Chapter 2 right now,
"The Foundation of Necromantic Preparation"
Let Dark Encounters With The Angel Of Death, Azrael, Reveal "The Book Of Dead Names" To You... Here's How To Unlock The Secret Of Your Shade, Known As Your "Dead Name" In Necromancy
Conner Kendall
Find my latest grimoire in
The Compendium of Satan
Hello Friend,
Greetings to my brothers and sisters of the Left Hand Path. As you might know, my name is C. Kendall and I have written a new and innovative grimoire on necromancy and death magick.
This work was inspired by many dark encounters, including my experiences with the Angel of Death himself, known as Azrael. Azrael is neither a benevolent nor malevolent avatar of death, rather he is an indifferent aspect of what is known as the Death Current. He is unlike any other angel you are likely to commune with. When I called him forth in a ritualized evocation, he held a large book in his hand. In this ritual, the voice of Azrael didn't issue forth from his mouth, nor his spiritual body, it seemed to emanate from the very obscure book that he was holding. The written language of the book seemed alien to me, it didn't resemble any earthly language I had ever seen. The book he held in his hands is called The Book of Dead Names, and it reveals to the necromancer their own Dead Name. Initially I was confused on this entire subject and during this evocation, I asked Azrael for clarification on exactly what the Dead Name is, and these are his exact words:
This is The Book of Dead Names, the true name of your shade, not the name you were given by birth. That name you are known by now is merely the by-product of your living self. Know the name of your shade, your Dead Name, and you will harness its power. Find the name, and claim it’s power.
For those of you who may be confused of the nature of the Dead Name, I will provide an interesting way of thinking about it. Magicians and witches adorn themselves and present themselves in their temples and circles, using their magical name. As the individual speaks their magical name, it enforces more of their will, and more power that is beyond ego, beyond even our Samsaric identity. Speaking one’s own magical name out loud has profound effects on the operation, the self, and the ritual as a whole. Although the Dead Name is the name of the true self, your name now is the one you were given in this life. Essentially, the Dead Name is your true name, before your physical incarnation here upon this earth. As the necromancer begins communing with Azrael and the various forces within this Death Current, the forces, spirits and intelligences will be addressed by that name. Embrace this name, speak this name, wear it with honour and pride. The mere speaking of the name is powerful itself.
Why Would You Want To Know Your Dead Name?
1. Spirits and entities in the Death Current will hear your Dead Name and react to it by catching their attention and gaining their respect.
2. Speaking your magical name is a crucial part in ritual magick, so the speaking of the Dead Name in this particular current of sorcery would also be crucial.
3. Merely speaking the Dead Name enforces your will over all necromantic rituals, spells and forms of death magick.
4. The name is essentially a verbal form of necromantic self-empowerment and liberation.
These are just a few reasons why someone who is becoming an aspiring necromancer should discover and utilise their Dead Name. This is one of the many, many things that are covered within this necromantic tome. This isn't the only thing that Azrael brings forth either, as this Angel of Death’s teachings are well documented within the work, including the following that I share within The Necromancer:
The Necromantic Elixir: Learn how to create this dark concoction. This elixir is used to anoint any area, object, tool, altar, and so forth. The elixir draws in and anchors the death energy and power of this current. Use this elixir to maximise the power of all operations, consecration, evocations. Trickle a few droplets in the ritual area to dramatically shift the environmental energy for any of these rituals. This elixir generally intensifies and increases the success rate of all magick contained herein.
The Shade of Saturn Invocation: This invocation in particular is known to remove and break all barriers for the necromancer, internal or external. It allows the necromancer to align their essence with Saturn, to only be affected by its positive impacts and avoid its negative effects on our being and life. Saturn often imposes limitations and boundaries in our lives, using this particular method will break and then smash through the Saturian barriers whilst everyone else is being affected by them. Align, empower, and liberate yourself through this invocation and obtain the various other benefits of the Saturnian shade.
The Rite of the Dead Soul: One of the most intense and dramatically empowering rituals of necromantic initiation and immersion into the underlining current of death. Empowerment and initiation will ignite your necromantic alchemy and open up the gates to death and the spirits of the dead at the greatest degree possible.
The Spirits of the Death Current: Lay your eyes upon the necromantic spirits that Azrael himself guided me to discover. These mysterious beings have remained a secret for a long time. The time of their revealing is now. Discover their names, their appearances, powers, attributes, and sigils for your own necromantic workings with these uncovered spirits of death.
All of this and more was taught to me by Azrael the Angel of Death and I have composed everything within this tome. Need I remind you brothers and sisters, contained herein is Santa Muerte, Az Jahi, Beelzebub, Abaddon, Azazel, Nergal, Ereshkigal, Anuas, and so many other entities as well as their teachings, all contained within this book. From powerful life altering rituals, to baneful magick, necromantic concoctions, and exercises and spiritual methods, to go deeper and further into the unfolding and magical development of the aspiring necromancer.
Contact the most misunderstood and most feared force in all of physical and spiritual existence, death itself. Reap and harness the limitless power of necromancy and the dead. Liberate yourself beyond the illusions of life and the living. Learn the secrets of the dead and the dead and the Death Gods and Goddesses. Death comes for us all, so do not wait until you are dead to answer death’s call.
I welcome you to download a FREE ebook chapter of THE NECROMANCER right now, called The Foundation of Necromantic Preparation. It will give you a look into this forbidden grimoire, and you can see a sample of the beautiful illustrations therein by sorcerer and graphic designer, Aserial Krabat. THE NECROMANCER becomes live to order Tuesday, January 26. I will see you there!
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