Subject: Order "A Star Called Winter" Now - Save 14% On "The Draconian Trilogy"

A Star Called Winter, Vol. 3 & The Draconian Trilogy
The grand finale with A Star Called Winter by a top initiate from
The Temple of Ascending Flame, author Denerah Erzebet...
Available in Volume 3 and complete three-in-one Trilogy edition
Get $28 off to save 14% on The Draconian Trilogy today.
You Are Your Own Grimoire, Invest In Yourself... Experience True Gnosis With The All-Goddess And Discover Your Life-Work In The Finale To A Lifelong Journey Across The Draconian Path & Qliphoth
Denerah Erzebet
Author & Initiate from
Temple of Ascending Flame
Hello Friend,
A Star Called Winter has become live to order today. I welcome you to go forth and study it at your earliest convenience. In this newsletter, you’ll find a breakdown of the contents within this recorded gnosis — organized in the following chapter-by-chapter summary.
Chapter 1: The Fresh Air Of Spring
Here we observe context setting, where it becomes clear that this book is a conversation between a goddess and the author. Also, the main theme of the book is introduced: Memory, or more specifically, the conscious act of Remembering. In fact, it is only by reassembling various strands of one’s experiences—crystalized in an archetypal significance across time—that one’s entire magical universe reveals itself. Here, one learns how to fathom their basic elemental “ancestry”, realizing we are all Changelings or incarnations of spiritual energy of varying natures.
Chapter 2: Remember The River
In this chapter various childhood experiences are examined and symbolized with reference to gematria, astrology, and tarot. By corresponding our seemingly-trivial memories with supreme meaning, we uncover powerful magical techniques fueled by our inner impulse—these leading to the writing of the personal grimoire, and contact with personal guides, familiars, and folk on the Other Side.
Chapter 3: The Forgotten Queen
The previous chapter reaches a climax in the exposition of the N(A)ION as the supreme formula of the Nameless Substratum. A qabalistic and phonetic analysis is provided, along with methods whereby these energies are brought to empower all rituals with the sanction of the pure life-force.
Chapter 4: For the New World
Here we are shown the structure of the Eleventh Degree as embodied and transmitted through various esoteric orders including Temple of Ascending Flame, Vril Society, Malvrinski Institute, and Syren Manor. As a result, the Adept is given an initiatory map comprising of lodges both astral and physical, in order to chart their progress and direct rituals towards the appropriate vessel.
Chapter 5: Nocturne
This chapter becomes rather poetic, using “twilight language” or cryptic metaphor to illustrate the profound impact of sexuality, adolescence, and religion in the awakening of spiritual powers in human beings. Here we find poems written by the author, as well as some startling interpretations of William Blake’s prophetic Book of Urizen.
Chapter 6: Strange Lady
Here the phenomenon of puberty is discussed in relation to erotic magic, and how we must use our erotic preferences in ritual work, being careful not to degenerate in crude physicality, while emphasizing the archetypal elements as being more important.
Chapter 7: The Winged Watchers
The Kingdom of Silenia, previously discussed in VOVIN, receives a detailed presentation here. The reader may reflect on the choice to Remain or to Relocate, which decides whether they are with the Syrens or the Winged Watchers.
Chapter 8: The White Devil
A Dream Vision offers insights establishing another crucial motif for understanding the following chapters, especially those pertaining to the Spider and Vril Society.
Chapter 9: Daughters Of Eisenach
Goddess Astaroth explains how deities conceive “children” and how their natures are determined. She also offers a full grimoire on the Tarot in a unique method of astral relocation. This carries themes from previous books to their full potential.
Chapter 10: This Kingdom
A total restoration of The Goetia to a pre-Phristian, pagan source. A combination of mythical lore, etymology, and anthropology is employed in removing “demonizing” traits from otherwise pure and noble spirits.
Chapter 11: The Way Of The Spider
A complete analysis of the Nameless Substratum through the archetype of the Spider, and how Draconian Magic contains three paths that, if properly balanced, grants a key to total success in every ritual operation.
Chapter 12: Measure Of All Truth
Discussions on Nature and what it really means to “need”—with a study of Richard Wagner’s philosophy on the ArtWork of the Future.
Chapter 13: Eternal Conservatory Of Creative Perfection
An overview of classical education and why Tradition is the measure of all truth. For those familiar with Julius Evola, this chapter will provide a great metaphysical framework for deciding what should be achieved with magical ritual, and how power should be used (instead of deceiving oneself with modern distractions and false narratives).
Chapter 14: Maria Orsic & The Vril Society
A full historical and esoteric analysis of the WWII-era Vril Society, a German lodge devoted to channeling primordial energy (Vril/Nameless Substratum) and constructing flying saucers allowing humanity to travel to distant star-systems.
Chapter 15: Mystery Of The Nine
A ritual for contacting the Nine Muse Sisters from Greek myth, which can be used as an effective way of awakening memories, thus bringing us full-circle with the overarching theme of this book.
Chapter 16: Conviction
An epistle showing why the “law of Thelema” is poorly-established on the astral plane, and why we shouldn’t base all current esoteric work on the Aeon of Horus, which is but one among many possible paths, and certainly not the noblest.
Finally, an appendix gathers the most relevant passages from Rites of Astaroth, those approved by Goddess for continued distribution.
You Are Your Own Grimoire, Invest In Yourself! Experience True Gnosis With The All-Goddess And Discover Your Life-Work In The Grand Finale "A Star Called Winter" & "The Draconian Trilogy" Right Now
The third and final grimoire to The Draconian Trilogy has become live to order today. If you would like to experience the complete pathworking across the three individual grimoires, then I welcome you to study the three-volumes-in-one master edition. Or, if you would prefer the newest volume only, you can study A Star Called Winter in a single volume. If you act now, you can get $28 off to save 14%.
“Through the Written Word we remind you of greater things—for life is not as good as the Book.”
Only when Life imitates Art and not the other way around, shall we embody all that is pure and loving without the need to find “reason” therein. With conviction burning upon our brows, we realize that all things are always, let them be as such!
Go forth and dream!
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