Subject: Offended Viewer Shames Me: "You're Corrupting My God!"

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An Offended Religious Viewer Submits An Angry Letter To Me: “You Are Corrupting My Culture & Disrespecting My Gods!” -- View My Honest Reply As A Shameless, Disobedient Black Magician
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
I received an accusatory letter from an offended religious viewer, Sanjay.
He basically has had enough of me pushing the envelope as far as I can push it, and he accuses me of stealing his culture.
Dear Mr. Koetting,
I have seen your youtube channel and I have remained silent while you have corrupted the images symbols and deities of respected faiths around the world. I have considered that you do this to get more followers or sell more products, but now I wonder if the cause is plain ignorance.
I say this when I see that you are wearing on several videos tshirts with the sacred symbol of ShabdaBrahman, what you know as the letter Om. More offensively you have worn tshirts with the printed image of my sacred deity Ganapathi or Ganesha. To Americans these are only images to look cool and different from the rest but to us there is no separation between the devas and their icons Ganesha lives in his image in the shirt that you sweat in and spill food on. You should not possess the image of a deity that you do not know and that you do not respect. Shameful.
I have also seen you using the mantras in your videos, these are sacred sounds that must be given by your guru in the proper way. You must know the real Sanskrit origin and the meaning of these divine words before you can use them and further when using mantras do not use them in public for every to see and hear but using them in your relation to the deva and in meditation, not to display for entertainment. When mantra are used in meditating with knowledge and correctly these are good. When natras are used without knowing them and without intention of purpose they are asleep and without power.
I have seen this and I remain silent but no more when I see you wearing the japamala as a plain bracelet around your left arm. First it is bad enough for someone without knowledge of the meaning of the mala to wear this like plain jewlery like it is a watch but you also wear it on your left hand! like it is watch. You do not know that the mala is for the right hand only as it is the right way of doing and that it is corrupted by the left hand. Mr. Koetingdo you know what you are doing? Do even you know that the japamala has 108 bead then the head bead that is never crossed? To use these things without knowing them is not right and you incur negative karma for all these.
Mr. Koeting I wish you to be safe and to find moksha but you will not find it by doing what I see you doing. You have stealing from my culture and my divine practices which I have as sacred and making of them a joke. I tell you sir that this is no joke and that you must learn and meditate and come to the knowing the right action to clean your karma and not to burden yourself with improper ways as you do.
Sanjay T.
Now Sanjay, I'm not going to tell you how to feel or what to think about my use of symbols and magickal tools that come from your culture nor from any culture. If you feel offended, maybe there's a reason to feel offended, and perhaps my actions have actually offended you.
But it's also possible that you don't know the whole story. Instead, let's look at the facts and bring into question whether we know everything that we think we know in order to judge another person, to judge their intentions, and to judge their heart.
Let's take the Ganesh t-shirt or tank top:
My horrifically abusive, foster childhood disrupted the development of my necessary emotional skills that normally come built-in for people in healthier environments; skills that teach how to self-sooth and how to depend on others without being co-dependent. I recognized this childhood trauma as a young adult, how it was standing in my way and had become my biggest blockage in life. With no friends or family, I found refuge in a local yogi, a spiritual master who appeared in my life at exactly the right time, just long enough to heal me and guide my way. The deva that came through this yogi was Ganesh. Perhaps at another time I will tell that whole life-changing story, but right now I will summarize it as: Ganesh saved my life.
When I wear a shirt with his face emblazoned on it, it's not arbitrary "street clothes." To the contrary, I am literally wearing my spiritual gratitute on my chest—I take Ganesh wherever I go.
In mainstream religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc., wearing the imagery, names, and trappings of the gods is considered "idolatry," "sorcery," "vanity" and "shameful." Christianity, for example, almost entirely outlaws visible adornment or even utterance of a divine name; in fact, in particular Churches, it is a crime to even say the name Yahweh or Jehova.
Firstly, I openly identify as a demonic sorcerer and black magician. To me, these are not insults, but badges of honor. In this sense, I am simply being consistent with my admitted beliefs. My nature as a black magician is to desecrate regressive religious traditions, laws, and hierarchies. Furthermore, in my ascendant spiritual practice, idolatry is the highest form of tribute to a deity or spirit—whether that means wearing a Ganesh shirt in ritual or reciting mantras to enter gnosis with him. I will never feel guilt about my antinomianism.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Only god can judge me"? It means that you are not entitled to cast judgement on my private, consensual relationship with a close spiritual ally who has presented himself, namely, Ganesh.
Everywhere I Walk Is My Temple
And My Gods Walk With Me
You also say that I'm improperly using mantra. The voice of Brahma is not so weak that it needs you to step up and defend it.
I had no interest in mantra until my guru, the very first guru I ever had, the very first mentor that ever took me under his wing — Baba Maharaja — taught me “Soham Akaal.”
This mantra that Raj gave me was indeed powerful. I, too, consider mantras to be "sacred" sounds, or rather, magickal sounds. However, I also know that these are tools. The tools that you consider to be "too sacred" for anyone to see or use — unless they approach it through your patriarchal initiation system, or were born in your geographical area, or were born with your particular skin color — are in fact spiritual tools. No one has a monopoly on spirituality.
Regardless, let's look at the word mantra. The word mantra is derived, as I'm sure you know, from “man,” which means the mind, and “tra,” which is ‘instrument’ or ‘tool’. Mantra is an instrument or tool of the mind.
Did you know that the earliest hammer ever found came from Ethiopia? Does this mean that only Ethiopians can use hammers?
It’s absurd to take the proposition that something that was created either by a people or worse yet, something that was delivered by the almighty to humans, to mankind, to use for our benefit, should be restricted to a certain class or a certain race. It's regressive, silly, impossible to stop, and it has no place within the magick mind.
It is my vocation of creating and delivering tools for the mind — like mantras for example — tools for the body, tools for the soul, and tools that can be used by anybody. I don't care where they come from, or where they are going. I don't care what their intentions are. I don't care what the color of their skin is. I don't care what dialect they speak.
I have tools that work. Some of them came from your culture. Some of them came from the Caribbean. Some of them I learned in Spain. Some of them come from Northern Europe and some from the Middle East. And a lot of them I learned from the spirits themselves. I do not identify as "Scandinavian man" or "American man", instead, I see myself inclusively as an earthling and human first and foremost. I make my spiritual discoveries available for free to everyone and anyone in my videos, and in alignment with this, I help myself to spiritual discoveries of others too.
It doesn't matter where I picked them up from, what matters is is that they work and help human beings to ascend in their evolution. These mantras that I use every day help my spiritual awakening, and provide transfiguring experiences.
I sympathize insofar as it's easy to see a random guy on Youtube and accuse him of profiteering or cultural misappropriation or religious ignorance, but in reality you don't know my magickal relationship and spiritual connection with mantras and intonations of power.
You can assume whatever you like about me—but you're wrong.
My Love Affair With The Mala
Finally, is the subject of the mala, the 108-beaded garland of skulls. I received my mala specially and I began to learn how to use it.
These are the 108 skulls that Kali wears around her neck. In my pathworking with the Demonic Gatekeeper Abaddon — who has manifested as Kali — I channeled a lot of instructions on ritual methods to attain liberation.
A little over 10% of my forthcoming Grimoire Of Abaddon is dedicated to the mala, to explanations on how to ritually charge it, and how to use it in ceremony as well as in meditation.
When I wear my mala, it's not a fashion statement at all. It's quite the opposite. It's a tool.
I wear that tool, firstly, to remind myself to meditate regularly, and, secondly, to always enter the world with a meditative mind in endless spiritual contemplation, not as a subroutine, but as the overriding intelligence that rewrites the code of reality itself.
Every morning, I wake up and meditate with the mala, turning the beads in my fingers, giving a private mantra, and connecting with spiritual forces — first with Kali, then with all other devas, gods, demons, and devils who walk with me.
108 repetitions of mantra, three times a day, five times a day, even ten times a day — I use the mala and I meditate constantly throughout the day, literally every day.
I wear the mala on my left hand for a reason. To me, that obviously indicates the Left Hand Path, the powers of darkness, the forbidden powers.
It also forces me though to slow down a bit. You see, I'm right-handed and tasks are awkward in my left hand. It requires additional concentration, additional effort. It requires me to slow down, to stop sometimes, to refocus on what I'm really doing, to engage myself, my body, my actions, my mind, my intentions, my focus, bring that all into alignment with my will.
Every time I wear this mala, I am reaffirming my commitment to ascent. I am reaffirming my commitment to myself, as god of my world, as ultimate god of myself.
Sanjay, my final word is this: Quit trying to exercise authority over others. If you have tools that are of value, use them. If you have tools that you refuse to show to the rest of the world, it's because you either fear that they are powerless and that you are powerless and if others discover your powerlessness they will use your tools against you?
You see, I have crossed a threshold. It is not the threshold of your patience or your mercy or your forgiveness, I've crossed the threshold between practicing magic and being magic.
So everywhere I walk is my temple. This world is my altar. This body, this incarnation is the greatest magical tool that I have.
It's never my intention to disrespect any culture, it's never my intention to steal something from others without giving credit to the source, to the originators.
However, I also won't be bullied into silence and into non-activity. I won't be bullied by religious racists into not practicing and using the most powerful tools that I've come across simply because you are jealous.
It's not my intention to offend or upset, but if you are offended and if you are upset, then your emotions are a very clear mirror of your fears.
If you truly understood the power of the symbols that you claim to love so much, you would have no concern that they can care for themselves and you would instead use them for your own betterment, for your own empowerment.
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