Subject: Necromancy: The Crossroads Between Life & Death

Bone Oracle Readings
A necromantic experience to connect with The Other Side
Necromancy -- The Crossroads Between Life And Death… Why “Throwing The Bones” Allows A Witch Receive Answers From The Spirits In Real Time… Tell Me — What Do You Need To Know?
Joey Morris
Celtic witch
Hey Friend,
Witches peer into the veiled mysteries, understanding the inevitability and yet fluidity of Death energies. Many of us find the gothic ornamentation desirable and wild, a connection to a deeper, wilder, and perhaps truer element of Witchcraft which many seek to sanitize out of modern pagan practices.
Similar to how many people ignore the energies and presence of Death, considering their life guaranteed and their presence semi-immortal, there is a willingness and even a preference to ignore death as something “that comes later,” and any that show interest in the subject are often considered depressing and morbid by the populace at large.
Bones and bonework are a perfect example of the general desire to ignore death as well as the unfortunate pagan practice to seek to sanitize witchcraft, focusing not on the dark, the shadow, or the difficult but merely the ‘lighter’ aspects as frequently the notion of incorporating bones into witchcraft is met with at best a hesitant reluctance and at worst a full blown apparently moral sense of disgusted outrage.
Bones are natural.
They are the inevitable result of death and decay and can be found in the woods, along the sea shore, scattered along this Earth where so ever a creature has lived and died, but often confronted with them, and the notions of mortality, humans grimace. Even some Witches grimace, and this has always seemed odd to me, as Death is just another inevitable part of the great cycles, unknowable perhaps, even as we, the spiritually inclined seek to peer into that great beyond, wondering if we can glimpse insights into the void, speaking to the spirits of the dead, reaching out for threads of fate to divine, seeking the mysterious energies that open us to real truths…
Even some Witches grimace, and this has always seemed odd to me, as Death is just another inevitable part of the great cycles, unknowable perhaps, even as we, the spiritually inclined seek to peer into that great beyond, wondering if we can glimpse insights into the void, speaking to the spirits of the dead, reaching out for threads of fate to divine, seeking the mysterious energies that open us to real truths…
Animism -- A Hidden Ecosystem That Exists In And Between Every Creature, Both Living And Dead
Bones in the practice of Witchcraft are not morbid curiosities but instead practical and beautiful embodiments of Death; fetishes that become honourable tethers for spirits and animal guides, carved runes that access those divinational ties beyond the mortal coil, and talismans and amulets of incredible power.
They become spirit housing or connected to the energies of the spirits through the brokering of a relationship between the Magician and the entities themselves; a constant relationship is one built of blood, sweat and tears, with offerings and sacrifices given and mutual respect built.
Understanding that bones come with a natural energetic imprint and that all entities on Earth are made from the same stardust is not a complicated process. Harnessing the energy that flows throughout can take time to understand and years to master; but in doing so, the magician unlocks an endless seam of magick that can be delved into time and time again, deepening ones knowledge and increasing your power.
I have come to believe that there are three methods of attuning bones to Spirits; the natural imprinted connection to the spirit that lived within the bones before their physical incarnation death, the offering of the bones to other willing spirits if the original possessor of the bones has no inclination for a worldly tether, and the creation of spiritual egregores or servitors from a collection of bones that create a lesser spirit.
The connection of the bone to the original spirit is, naturally, the most desirable. The lessons ingrained into those bones from a perspective that is not our own is undeniably beneficial when the spirit has moved into a different sphere of existence and is connected to the magick of the universe after death.
Some might feel that the lessons of animals are somehow lesser than that of humans, but hubris only stands in the way of true power.
After death, spirits become part of a vast spiritual ecosystem – where nothing is as simple as it might outwardly appear.
Other spirits can be convinced to utilise bone ‘fetishes’ as spirit housing through magical rebirthing of bones and dedicating them to the other spirits. Whilst the process involved can take longer in this respect, messages and spirit work will be just as rewarding.
Creation of Egregores from bones is a much more straight forward and limited process, as the most efficient created spirits have defined and restricted magical goals; a collection of appropriate bones can lend their energies to this work.
As Solstice approaches, the themes of mortality and bones seem to take a hold in my soul and I cannot deny their influence over my recent thought processes. Death and the Crone, Goddess Badb, the endings of things that need to die.
The power of bones.
The power in our bones.
The Witchcraft in bones.
I welcome you to enter the Crossroads between life and death with me. Together, you and I will throw the bones to harness this magick power of animism. Come experience a necromantic encounter with The Spirits. They will reveal secret answer to urgent concerns. Tell me... what would would like to know?
Talk again soon,
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