Subject: NEW: Azazel's Wealth & Prestige Rite

My new Wealth & Prestige Rite to raise your empire out of nothing and increase it exponentially and limitlessy. Receive windfalls of prosperity with Azazel's chief Demon of Wealth, Suhn'Tal'Ock...
Shameless Ritualist J.S. Garrett On Why The World's Most Powerful Corporations Hide Magick Sigils In Their Logos... Here's The No-B*llshit TRUTH About Wealth Magick In The Real World And The BEST Wealth Demon He Ever Found
J.S. Garrett
Hey Friend,
I am the Metaphysical Mad Scientist, J.S. Garrett. Let me reveal a priceless secret...
I have always hated traditional "money spells". White magicians have always performed them to receive "good luck" or a "couple bucks" here and there -- they pray to an angel and receive "blessings".
When I was poor and lived in a trailer, good luck would not help me. I needed to *transform* my entire life. I needed a new path of wealth and success the likes of which I had never known. I needed to generate a steady increase in finances as well as the opportunities to forge my own empire upon this physical plane.
I consider the forging of one's own empire to be a crucial part of the self deification process. In that by embracing our own Godhood we begin to conduct and revere ourselves as such. Therefore we become driven to forge and create our own Kingdom upon this plane instead of being satisfied with just making a living. Holding ourselves to a Godlike standard and pushing the limits in order to achieve personal greatness.
Smart Work Versus Traditional "Hard Work"
Now most people would say that hard work is the key to wealth and success. I would say that this is true to a certain extent, however, most of us common folks work hard our entire lives and never get much further than the class that we were born into. You break your neck in order to save up a little bit of money only to have an inevitable situation arise causing you to have to spend that money. Putting you right back where you were. Our society is engineered this way. Ensuring that we remain in our place, at the bottom of the Pyramid. Sometimes hard work just isn't enough. Sometimes we need to catch a break in order to get ahead and stay ahead. Sometimes, we need a little help from the spirit world!
Often the difference between success and failure is synchronicity. Being in the right place at the right time in order to capitalize on the right opportunity to change your life.
For instance, building your own business.
Have You Ever Wondered Why The World's Most Powerful Corporations Hide Magick Sigils & In Their Logos? -- The So-Called "Illuminati"
Have you ever wondered why there is so much Occult symbolism in Big Company logos?
It is because every major corporation uses the Occult practices in order to become and remain successful. They do this through the practice of ritual magick. Over the years I have been hired by several small business owners to perform these Rites on their behalf in order to take their companies to the next level. I am now pleased to offer these services to the public. As I believe that it is every person’s right to take full advantage of the power that can be harnessed through these ritual practices.
I myself am a living testament to the power of this Rite. It wasn’t very long ago that I was living in a single-wide trailer with no money in the bank. Driving nails, digging ditches, and painting houses. Struggling to make the rent each month. All of my dreams had slipped away from me and I had failed at just about everything for reasons that seemed beyond my control. Life sucked! And I’d had enough. My anger fueled my determination as I began searching desperately for a way to transform my life circumstances. I was willing to do whatever was necessary. Once I took on this mindset it wasn’t long before I found the answer.
Honestly? I Studied Money Magick Because I Had Become Desperately Poor And Hated My Life...
I did a great deal of experimentation with money Magick. Some were successful, some were not. I found with certain money spells that I was able to manifest significant amounts of money out of necessity, however, I was unable to generate a steady increase in income or business success. So I began to delve deeper into spirit evocation and the art of blood sacrifice. I found that by working with certain spirits in this capacity I was able to generate far more income. As well as opportunities for financial increase. Through my experimentation with different entities I also found that some produced more results than others. And the one who produced the most astonishing results by far, was a Demon known as Suhn’Tal’Ock.
Azazel's Chief In Command -- Suhn'Tal'Ock -- Revolutionized My Life
Suhn’Tal’Ock is described in “The Book of Azazel” -- written by E.A. Koetting -- as one of Azazel’s strongest leaders. As he possesses not only the knowledge but also the power and the resources to raise an entire empire out of nothing, and to increase it exponentially and limitlessly.
It is said that Suhn’Tal’Ock existed long before the Infernal Empire, while many of the legions were brought into existence after the Empire had flourished, and that it was through his abilities alone, combined with Azazel’s grand vision, that brought the whole of the Infernal Empire into existence. — The Book of Azazel, p.115
Suhn’Tal’Ock can do the same for the evocator. Taking the raw visions of the Summoner and bringing them to life in the world. Once the process of building your own empire in the world has begun, repetitive evocations of Suhn’Tal’Ock will help you expand your Empire in every conceivable manner.
After reading this description I knew that I had found the right spirit to help me change my life. I wasted no time! I immediately began gathering the necessary implements. I went out and bought the most beautiful rooster I could find. I then drove to a nearby mountain top and offered a blood sacrifice to Suhn’Tal’Ock. Help me manifest financial stability! I cried out. Help me bring my raw visions to life in this world! Help me change my life for the better!
"So it is done!" a voice replied.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Through my own personal experience I have found every word of his description to be true and accurate. A few weeks later I was offered a position at a prestigious company making approximately four times the salary I was accustomed to! Immediately providing me with the financial stability that I had never had before. I am now a successful business owner. As well as one of the most frequently hired sorcerers in the world today. I could not be happier doing what I love. And I could not be more appreciative of my clientele. Which is why I am offering each of my returning clients a 20% discount on this Rite for the next 30 days.
Suhn’Tal’Ock is an incredibly intense, ancient, and powerful Demon! He does not play around. He will not be commanded. And he will not be bound. Although if he is approached in the correct manner he will be your greatest ally in all matters of wealth, success, and creation, as you forge your own empire upon the Earth.
I perform this Rite by respectfully evoking him into my ritual circle. Once he is present, I make a sincere petition on your behalf. Stating your specific desires and requesting his aid in the transformation of your life. Setting you upon the path of wealth and success. Instilling within you an unstoppable drive towards accomplishing your personal goals and bringing your raw visions to life in the world. I then offer him a sacrifice of burning flesh and blood in exchange for his assistance. To give such an offering is highly preferred and appreciated. As it has been for thousands of years...
If A Magician Claims They Can Make You Exactly "X Amount" Of Money, Then They Lied To You... Here's What A Wealth Ritual Actually CAN Do
Point blank: if a magician ever says they can perform magick to give you precisely 500,000 or 100 or 1,000 or any other exact amount, then they have plainly lied. Money magick does not involve "numbers" per se.
Here's what wealth & prestige magick can actually do:
  • Open key opportunities for you to become more wealthy and successful.
  • Manifest your goals bringing your raw visions to life in reality.
  • Help you to build and improve your career.
  • Help you to scale up your finances.
  • Relocate you to the right places at the right times in order to capitalize on the right opportunities.
  • Motivate the f*ck out of you!
I can perform my Wealth & Prestige Rite at your request. When you book your ritual, I contact you personally within 48 hours in order to schedule a 20-minute personal consultation and discuss your personal needs. I then carry out your Ritual Operation at the appointed date and time, and also provide before-and-after photos of the ritual space as proof. Although I will not guarantee anyone that they will receive a specific sum of money. I ironclad guarantee two things:
1. I will do my job thoroughly and correctly.
2. This will help you accomplish your goals and improve your situation.
I look forward to working together.
Talk again soon,
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