Subject: My "Blue Collar" Black Magick That Guarantees Results

BEELZEBUB: Lord Of The Flies, Compendium 6s
Featuring the world's top demonic magicians...
E.A. Koetting    Asenath Mason    Michael W. Ford
Edgar Kerval    Bill Duvendack    Orlee Stewart
Conner Kendall    Xag Darklight    C.H. Richard
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What Does A Black Magician REALLY Think About The New Age "Law Of Attraction..." — Let Me Introduce You To My "Blue Collar" Magick That REALLY Empowers You To Rule Your World
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Let’s get real about the power of setting your intention.
As the whole New Age movement and self-help movements have risen over the couple last decades or so, words like manifestation, the law of attraction, and setting your intention have risen to the surface.
But what does it really mean?
There are several misconceptions built into the idea of getting what you want through spiritual means, especially with people who are invested in the law of attraction, manifestation, or any of these philosophies.
Most people still don’t understand what it actually means to set your intention and what that does to your life.
A lot of people think that if they just set their intention and envision a future of reality that doesn’t really exist yet, despite the divergence of causal evidence, that it’s just going to magically manifest in their life.
These folks are not going to adjust anything because they see this in their inner mind, they know the money is coming so why work for it?
They don’t have to get the job they don’t want because they have set their intention…
They have done the work internally without doing the work externally.
You Can’t Just Wave A Wand And Wait For A Miracle… Blue Collar Magick: Adapt, Adjust, and Execute
The real magickal power of setting your attention is that you are directing your mind, your emotion your raw spiritual power that flows out of you into a very specific channel.
You´re telling your power where to go, and not just the power of your mind, not just the power of your heart, not just the power of your astral body but also the power of your physical body.
A lot of times people just set their intention onto one thing, they´ll have one intention that they set like: Wanting a specific amount of money, or wanting a relationship with a specific person.
Whatever they think they´re trying to manifest, they think that it's the only thing they are going to set their intention on.
Well, the issue is that if we are only set on one intention, we are mindless, thoughtless and not directed for the rest of the time, we leave everything else that we are doing to be handled by itself.
Our thoughts, our emotions, our energy, our physical activity is just kind of free-floating until you start to charge everything that you do with intention.
When I wake up in the morning I do something very specific within the first 30 minutes of my day: I am either meditating or performing a ritual. That sets the intention for my entire day and I usually fall back on a more general intention for what I want to accomplish during that time.
Here Is An Example:
My intention for the day is to live my purpose today.
I am not just going to do whatever is thrown at me, I am not just going through the day, I am going to live my purpose today!
Then I am going to break that down and fine-tune that: what are the specific things that I need to get done today to live my purpose?
Who do I need to influence, who do I need to connect with and speak to, what are the videos that I need to film?
No matter what you are setting the intention on, go the extra mile!
Do the things that other people are not willing to do, want to do, or have the courage to do.
Especially when you’re working a job as an employee, you can set your intention duríng the work hours you can’t control too outperform everyone else, because you are the best at what you are doing, remember that!
Do this to get yourself noticed, to raise your self up, just 1% better than you were yesterday, that´s all it takes to create momentum.
Set Your Sights On The Highest Goals
You can do this in the form of micro-commitments, which is a fun way of bringing magick, spirituality and your focused desire into your daily life.
What is the intention when you´re getting into your car, is it to get from point A to B?
Well, of course, it usually is but what if you take that basic concept and evolve it a little bit.
Now frame that differently with the intention of, while I´m getting from Point A to B, I will get inspired through meditation while I am driving and of course, avoid accidents and make room for other people to be able to get where they are going.
Remain in peace, happiness, and joy throughout the entire drive. Now you are not just on autopilot going from point A to B, now you are turning the ride into a magickal experience.
When you start setting the intention for what you want t do every single day, and you start setting these intentions with micro-commitments you can assure your own success.
With every single thing that you’re going to accomplish, magickally, physically or emotionally, with every way you are going to invest in your life and lift that just by 1% more today, you will see your life ascent a whole nother level.
This is the gateway to the Infernal Empire.
The doors will be opened by not just daily approaching magick but how many areas of life you can invest into with magick.
We need to stop worrying about balance, we need to stop balancing our magical lifes with our home life, balancing our work with our marriage, balancing our children with our playtime.
See how much we incorporate all of this together, especially with magick.
Magick can be the foundation in which all things in your life blossom. That means to bring magick into everything that you do, bring your attention, visualize the things that you desire but then act upon that, move towards that like nothing is going to stop you.
You are on a mission to make that happen, regardless of who tries to stop you. You know what needs to happen and you’re the only one that can get it done.
So take on this world as a god, decide what you´re going to create and start creating it now by setting the intention!
This is how you become a living god!
Beelzebub: Lord Of The Flies, Compendium 6
Featuring 10 Top Demonic Magicians
Lord of the Flies a.k.a. Lord of Pestilence — The Sixth Demonic Gatekeeper, Beelzebub, manifests on the earth plane through channeled gnosis by 10 of the world's top, most courageous demonologists:
  1. Timothy - Foreword: The Avant-Garde
  2. E.A. Koetting - Grimoire of Beelzebub
  3. Asenath Mason - Lord of Pestilence
  4. Michael W. Ford - Baal Zebub & The Masks of Power
  5. Edgar Kerval - Nar Rag Beelzebuth
  6. Bill Duvendack - The Beelzebub-Lucifer Connection
  7. Orlee Stewart - The Book of Living Death
  8. Conner Kendall - Grimoire of Dark Defilement
  9. Xag Darklight - The Demon-King Beelzebub
  10. C.H. Richard - Ba'al Zebhul
Travel further along the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Saga and farther into the Outer Darkness with Compendium 6, featuring priceless gnosis of Beelzebub. Download your free sample, chapter 4, Black Mass of Beelzebub right here, right now:
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