Subject: My AFTERLIFE Experience With The Twin Flame Demons

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How The Ancient Egyptian Book Of The Dead Breathed New Life Into My Pathworking With The 'Twin Flame' Demons: Semyaza And Azazel -- Who Revealed The 'Gate Of Sin & Sword' To Me
Frank White
Hello Friend, magician Frank White here,
As the Magician progresses on his journey and increases his ability to reshape physical reality, he will eventually come to the realization that physical existence is neither the beginning nor the end of his existence.
The ritual will be successful when he enters a state of awareness that lets him experience himself and all of the world from the outside.
The mind and all the sensations it can create for the nervous system of the physical body are not him. Mastering your mind is a lifelong practice, and at the same time, a prerequisite for your witchcraft in the first place. Naturally then, you will begin to ask the question about what it is that you truly are.
The perennial philosophical inquiry: Are you your thoughts and emotions? Most likely you are not because they change constantly. Are you your opinions, likes, dislikes or political affiliations? Unlikely, because they will most likely change multiple times throughout your lifetime. Having realized that, you will eventually want to find out what you *really* are.
My Afterlife Experience With The Demon Ouza Through The Egyptian Book Of The Dead Provided Astounding Help With Unmasking My "True" Self
There exist a number of texts written for the purpose to help you navigate the journey after your physical body has died. One of those texts is the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
The realm of the Dead was called Duat by the Ancient Egyptians. A couple years back I was working through this text. The afterlife was full of dangers for the Ancient Egyptians, which are, as you will realize in your explorations, the attachments the spirit will carry with it after death. The 144th spell given in that text is supposed to allow you to meet the Keepers of the Portals to the Netherworld. I performed a ritual to use this spell and to get in contact with the Keepers of the Portals. But instead of being introduced to them I was faced with the demon Ouza, also known as Semyaza. His connection with Egypt will be made clear in the actual text. Ouza was one of the leaders of the fall from heaven and came down from heaven, alongside Azazel to interbreed with humans, as it is mentioned in Jewish myths. Ouza directed me towards his brother Azazel, letting me know that it was him who could teach me what I needed to know. The secrets of the portals of the Netherworld. And so I then called upon Azazel to help me learn the secrets of the afterlife.
The entire goal of the work of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is for the spirit to accumulate power in the afterlife, to assume power in the universe as one of the gods. For that purpose, I had been told, to learn the secrets of the portals and to utter the spell correctly I had to “assume the right form”. And the right form was no form. The seven portals to the Netherworld correspond with seven chakras. And to assume the right form which is no form, to learn the secrets of those portals, I had to release all my attachments. Azazel then showed me how to do that. He showed me that what binds us to our limited form is guilt. Sin can not exist without the guilt connected to it. And guilt is the attachment that needs to be released. However that is only possible if you sever your connection to the outside authority that determines the nature of what sin is. I was taught that when sin is disconnected from guilt the result is a release of energy that will serve the liberation of the spirit.
Sin in this context is not what we usually define as such. It has little to do with reprehensible acts against others. It is the attachment to life itself. The identification with external objects, events and one‘s own identity as a mortal being. Azazel then showed me the "Gate of Sin and Sword." A gateway which, used in a ritual laid out in the text, would show me my attachments by setting events in my life in motion that would force me to confront and overcome them. The result of that process would be the attainment of spiritual autonomy by having lost all attachments. And that would allow me to claim the sword that could sever the connection with the Demiurge, the false God, completely.
As I was taught through this experience, the sword can be described as a state of being and awareness that is completely fearless and obsessed with only one intention. Which is to destroy anything and everything that binds the inner being to anything except one‘s own destiny. Which is spiritual autonomy. Having attained this sword you will then be able to fully claim your own kingdom neither in this world, nor in the afterlife. But in a world between the worlds—fully free from any restriction. My small, but revealing grimoire, Azazel the Conqueror, will teach you how in Compendium of Azazel.
Presumably, you know that Compendium of Azazel becomes live at midnight on New Year's Eve, and features a group of my favorite black magicians alive on earth today: E.A. Koetting, Kurtis Joseph, Asenath Mason, and eight more. However, did you know that I participated in Compendium of Lucifer too? My essay there discloses a secret seal that Lucifer-Amaymon gifted to me in a possession channelling several years ago. He elucidated that he personally consecrated this rare, hidden sigil to awaken Godhood and Goddesshood in whomever utilizes it in their magick ritual. I *strongly* suggest you place an order of Compendium of Lucifer to unlock magick of this rare talisman.
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