Subject: Michael W. Ford Gives THIS Advice To A New Magician

A Historic "Meeting Of The Minds" Between This Generation's Pioneer Black Magicians E.A. Koetting & Michael W. Ford — Michael Gives THIS Simple Advice To Help New, Aspiring Magicians
Michael W. Ford
Editor's Note: This newsletter constitutes the second of three parts from a priceless discussion between two living pioneers, E.A. and Michael. Watch part one here. I have preserved their conversational tone — including verbal quirks — to provide a more authentic experience. Michael's new grimoire Apotheosis becomes live to order at midnight May 7.
E.A. KOETTING   Well and, all right, you talked about, basically the insight role of really a nine to five job, and the financial security that comes from that, and I mean from what I understand you manifested that and you did very well with it. But the transformation, even though you said that there are mundane things that you could do, I mean from what I understand that's when you cut your hair, and kind of had to start presenting yourself in a certain way, because like you said, you have to understand the system and then use it, and I think you grasped that pretty early on, it seems.
Michael W. Ford   Yeah, and you know a lot of that foundation was from the time I spent with my uncle, and learning ... He would take me to this place called the Jockey Club in Miami, where I remember all kinds of famous people would go that he knew, and I remember some of the lawyers from the OJ Simpson trial would come down there and hang out. And as little kid I got to shake hands with these guys, and he would mentor me in the fact of how you present yourself.
And my uncle came up from a very poor childhood, but he made himself very successful, and so that imparted upon me something. And then when I kind of formulated and understood the concept of Belial, and as Satan the Lord of the Earth, Prince of the Powers of Air, what does that mean? What's the meaning behind that, because a lot of people just look at that, oh, that's cool imagery, but you have to look, how does this rationally apply? And that would be the steps of how you think, how you perceive things, is everything.
And you can't always ... You know, you're always going to have lazy or faulty thoughts, that's just normal, but you have to shape the majority of that, and consciously change that as that happens, and get yourself out of trains of thought that lessen you. And by doing that, then how you present yourself to those around you, especially in a job situation, you have to understand what the leadership, the high ups, want. You have to mirror and reflect that, and everything that you say is important, and it develops the leadership skills, and then you have to shape things according to your plans. So you have to think about what you say before you say it in that situation, and then what you do is very important, and the steps that you take to then cleanse those things.
That's a very ... If you can master that, on a consistent level, then ritual magick, and those expressions of magick, are going to be that much more inspiring and fulfilling. And the mundane is magickal when your thoughts create energy. Something in science, what we ... when we generate a thought, there is an energy wave created from that, and if you look at the triple, or the double slit experiment, consciousness matters. And so what you put your energy towards, consistently will have that effect later, and that's part of what I'm really putting out there with the new book Apotheosis, is that this foundation is everything. Because even though it's very simple and mundane in many ways, if you don't master it, then you're going to find everything else less ... you're going to spin wheels.
One way that you can always look and see if somebody is apply Left-Hand Path magickal principles consistently, is not just being interested in other schools of thought or traditions, but jumping wholeheartedly from one, into the other, into the other. Then you find them criticizing the people that are actual magicians, and that's what I dislike about social media, and before that it was just contact with other people in the 90s. But the thing is, when people get together, and there's too much ... there's no emphasis on practicing magic, then it becomes, well, let's criticize this guy because of this, or I don't like him because of this, or ... it doesn't matter about those people. It matters about what you're doing.
And that's a big point I've tried to make.
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E.A.K.   And I think, especially in Apotheosis, you really drive that home, that there's a ... I think a lot of people get sidetracked when they start looking into magick. They get sidetracked by the supernatural element of it, and I feel like the media has not done anything to help clarify this, but they assume that they just have to say these funny sounding words, and wave their wand in a certain way, and things will just happen.
Well, things do happen, the supernatural does have effect in this world absolutely, but the way that I've understood it, specifically in working through Norse magic, is that you can invoke these powers, and ask them for help. You don't ask them to do the work for you, that's, nobody wants to be bossed around, nobody wants to be treated like a slave, and so instead, so you come and say, "Hey, will you help me," and then you go into the world, and you do the work. And with those two combined, even three, you made a point, it's actually funny 'cause last night as I was laying in bed I pulled out your Book of Dozak, and started flipping through that.
Love that book, it's kind of a ... it's one of your slimmer texts, but there's a lot in there. But yeah, you sure enough, you started out by saying you've got the body, mind, and spirit. And those are, the body and the mind seemed to be pretty neglected by a lot of occultists. That they're more concerned about the supernatural, not realizing that if you're a true sorcerer, everything you do is magick. Everything. So yeah.
M.W.F.   You have to make yourself a temple for these energies, and these powers, to enhance your black flame. It's not submission, it's respect and honoring, but also there's a test with the adversary. There are tests, there are temptations, and potential deceptions, and these are more or less things to test if you are a that. If you are like, if you're exalting or truly in touch with the black flame. And what I mean by that is, temptations include overindulging, or allowing extreme human emotions, jealousy, anger, other things like that, envy, to derail you from your path, and also to accept things that will compromise who you are. Those are the tests, and you have to be willing to recognize and honestly accept that those are traps, and stay the course.
And if you do that, that builds insight, that builds part of who you are in your psyche, and what you're shaping. But the other thing with magick is that just saying words from a book, just saying that you're something, doesn't make you that, and it's not ... those words are not what makes those things happen. It is completely will, desire, belief. In your intense investment of that, and belief in that. So in working ... You know, one of my forthcoming works in the next few years will be on the Germanic Gods, and of course Lucifer will not be mentioned in that, because you can find the traits of Lucifer, of the adversary, in many of the Norse deities.
Odin, Wotan, for instance, has many elements, but all at core, is it's a Luciferian approach. And that's part of the old, the pre-Christian world. Many of those components are all there, and so invoking, or utilizing a runic type of sigil, a bind rune, to connect with Odin, or Loki, it's almost as if you in that moment are saying, "My success is your success," and, "Moving through me, and being a part of me, this is sending forth our will, my will." And when you can do that, and allow your imagination to completely take out in those moments any questioning of, I wonder if this is real, or happening, but if you see it happening and believe it, and have the feeling of what you perceive it'll feel like when you attain that, then, you will see a change. That's a big part of it.
And that is a big part of the success that I've had in life, has been because of that.
E.A.K.   I think a lot of people, and I see this over, and over, and over, a lot of people have the idea that if you call on a spirit for help, that you then have to pay that spirit. There is this ... we try to foist our society onto things that are absolutely not anything related. And so with that, something you just said was so perfect is that your success is the spirit's success. And when you can bind those together, the entity that you call on is going to be delighted to help you, because they're helping themselves, and they're paid by their own action, and by the success that they bring you.
I think that's missed with a lot of people, and I think that is also something that's unique to the Left-Hand Path, is the understanding that we are working in complete cooperation with the forces we call.
M.W.F.   Yeah. And the energies of those spirits are enhanced in the process, and it's giving invigoration back. One of the things that I utilize in my ceremonies, in hymns and invocations ... and this is from my study of Mesopotamian, Ugaritic or Canaanite traditions, Greco-Roman, Hellenistic, Persian, is the offering of libations, and the burning of incense. Fumigation and libations were the main component in appeasing, what they called appeasing the gods. And they would do this to underworld deities as well.
So when I perform a libation, I pour out in the name of that, in honor of that, deific mask. It is my honoring of not only the force that I'm calling, but it's an honoring of my daemon and that connection of what's to come. So it's a respect, an equal respect, and there any many what I'd call theistic types who think that well, the spirit demands certain things. And depending on what you're doing, yeah, but there's no ... if you submit to it, then you're going to be used in the way that you present yourself.
So as a Luciferian, I'm not gonna be used by a force outside of myself, unless it's equally to my benefit. And I'm going to control what happens within my perspective as much as I can.
E.A.K.   It seems like some of these beings that we can call on almost test the magician at first. The very first evocation I did, I just called out to, you know, any demon here. And I had a Ouija board there, I went to this cave, and I hiked up ... that's another interesting thing, is that an actual physical journey somewhere is a very powerful way of building up the energy, and specifically an ascent up a mountain, for some reason that does it. But I hit this cave, I call out to any demon that can hear my voice come, and I get on the Ouija board, and it says ... working from the mindset that society, I guess, has, of this, I say, "I want power, I want total power, and what do I have to give you in exchange?" And he said, "66 human sacrifices."
I thought, 66 human sacrifices, that's ... And I kind of, I sat with that for a minute, and I went, first off, no, that's ridiculous, but these almost ridiculous things seem to be put out by these spirits with a like, are you gonna take the bait? Are you going to let yourself be dominated and fall into this, or are you going to assert yourself as the master?
M.W.F.   You know, one of the things that the Book of Enoch, the story of the watchers. If you look at that, it has major foundations in witchcraft, in traditional witchcraft from, say, England. Some of the avenues that I initiated within, including the Luciferian one. The watchers, that tale descended to Mount Herman, and they agreed to take human wives, and then instruct them in what was called the forbidden arts.
And so there's a dual thing with that, and first off, that book was written in the time of the Seleucid King Antiochus IV, and that was the Maccabean Revolt, that led to their wonderful, what they consider a wonderful holiday, Hanukkah. I consider it an insult to Antiochus, simply because their political storm was written in a religious context, which I won't get into.
But the point is that the watchers, as they described them, had all of these Hellenistic origins, and the culture, the pantheons, the practices, of Zeus, Dionysus, and all of that, that's how they viewed it. They viewed it as demonic, and of Belial, and the actual watchers from Enoch. When you're doing a working, you have to realize that the forces you're calling are much older than you, and that they're energies that are connected to the acausal, but also they have energy connections and kind of [nexions 00:45:24] within the earth, and the energies within yourself.
All of these have a type of unison. So you have to be strong enough in mind and strong in will, to go your course. And to not allow yourself to be weakened by impulses you get that tell you they want you to do something else. Just like the book Grand Grimoire of Infernal Pacts. I've spent many years, and working with Lucifuge at different periods, and the pact. But it's not a pact in which I lessen myself, or ... and there's definitely no soul giving. I would rather eat the soul of what tries to take mine, and that's the kind of cycle of things. But there is a mutual respect and a specific type of offering, often very symbolic, that makes that pact powerful.
So yeah, there's always tests, but you have to trust in yourself, and believe in what you're doing.
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E.A.K.   Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Now so at one point, and we actually should jump back onto the timeline here, you're investing yourself in Satanism, and pushing that. At what point did you actually Lucifer, and Luciferian? Because I wanna be honest with you, as far as I'm concerned, you were like the modern father of Luciferianism. Nobody was talking Luciferianism until you came on the scene.
M.W.F.   No, and I appreciate you saying that. So in the mid to late 90s, from my experience with the ONA, which I left, I was also ... I was in the Temple of the Vampire in the early to late 90s, and I understood a lot of different components of using energy, but I wanted ... I gained this obsession with, I wanted to research the origins of the adversary, in different forms. And Lucifer was one that resonated with me, because it was both angelic, but demonic as well.
And so I started the research path, and then my ... I conducted a working, which was an actual, I was living alone, and I recorded Alistair Crowley's the Book of the Law as an album. And this wasn't a metal album, all it was, I had an eight track recorder, very limited equipment, and I did layers of sounds, music soundscapes, but I did the Book of the Law, the whole book, every part of it, which was so grueling, because I did layers. It's before digital software, but you had to do layers, and I had to layers, each line of his book, over and over again, about six times. And then I'd mix it all together, so you have this unison, sounds like a ...
But this working was so intense, that was part of my true will working. And the Luciferian concept started to come to mind, and then you have the Hymn to Lucifer by Crowley, the Key to Joy of Disobedience, which rang well to me in that whatever others tell you not to do, if it seems like a path that you're drawn to, do it. And so yeah, at that time, Satanists had a certain belief, and I didn't connect, I wasn't a part of it. And it wasn't because I wasn't Satanic in nature, it was because this was all ... there was more to it.
And I had a friend, still have a friend named Tyler, who runs a record label. And used to come to Indianapolis twice a year, and he has family. And he would bring me a lot of Germanic, showing me things. I discovered this art, this image of Lucifer from an artist named [Vidus 00:49:48], or Hugo [Hottenler 00:49:49]. And it presented Lucifer in an angelic, strong, almost Nordic way. And this was something that I started using in my invocations, and I thought in this connection ... and this is before I found a lot of the origins that I did later on ... but I knew that there was a connection here.
I knew that there are different types of energy within the adversary. And so I started these workings, and it slowly became Book of the Witch Moon. And Book of the Witch Moon was written and compiled in a time when I was doing works with the Zos Kia Cultus Cultists, some correspondence and work with a traditional Sabbatic witchcraft group, and then I was writing Kenneth Grant. And that's how the Zos Kia Cultus thing came in, Kenneth Grant, who was trained by Crowley, has a very old school way of approaching things. And chaos magick came into it, but I didn't shift paradigms, I knew what I was doing. And I hadn't written it down, but the Book of the Witch Moon came after I had this horrible event in my life in the late 90s.
I had left black metal at that time, I was doing this ritual music thing was very unpopular then, it wasn't just ... I mean people were either doing like this elite Germanic like, industrial ambient, which I wasn't a part of, I was doing this ritual thing. And so in doing that, and then I had this relationship break up, and I was at a really low point in my life, and through these workings that I did, associated with this Babylon working, I had this first abyss crossing experience. And it tested me in every way of who I was, and what I considered to be me, and I learned to rip away those elements that were needless. And the Book of the Witch Moon came out of that.
But when I first did that, everybody said, "Hm, no." They didn't want it, and Peter Carroll, the author of Liber Null and Psychonaut, chaos magick person, I corresponded with him, and he wrote the introduction for it, which was a great ... I mean I was in awe of that. And I put this Book of the Witch Moons, and no publisher would have it, and so I decided there was not really a self publishing format at that time, so I thought well, I'm just gonna hold onto this, and I'm gonna continue to do my workings. And they developed into little pamphlets.
And I was blending the Lucifer myth with the adversarial and Satanic one. I later discovered that Lucifer, the name Lucifer, started to come into Christianity as an association with Satan in Christian writings in the second century AD by many of the church fathers. So all of these things that I strongly felt driven towards, and a lot of people told me that's rubbish, incorrect, was actually correct. One of the things I'll go back to with your talk of doing workings, or associating with doing something that pushes yourself, like going up a mountain, that is a key part of many rituals that people can do.
Remembering a mantra, or remembering specific lines, and maybe a sigil, and then doing something that pushes yourself, without the ceremonial trappings, but seeing it all in your mind. In doing that, you're increasing energy towards that, and that's a big thing. That's why the pushing yourself physically is very important.
Note: This concludes newsletter two of three in this series. You will receive part three soon.
Liberation. Apotheosis. Illumination.
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