Subject: Meditation Technique To Contact Aliens

How You Can Use Magick To Make Contact With Aliens (And Why I Have Refused To Board Their Mothership)
E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight cult classics and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
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Hey Friend,
A lot of people ask me about aliens - what my thoughts are about them, if they exist, and most importantly, how to make contact with them.
Obviously, when we’re talking about aliens, what we are talking about are either extraterrestrial entities or interdimensional entities that are visiting this earth, observing the human race, possibly making themselves known through UFO appearances, as well as abduction scenarios or other close-encounter events.
I have avoided sharing my thoughts about aliens publically for a couple reasons, first of which is that I don’t know!
Sure, I could find out. I could use methods of divination to find out about them, to discover more about their existence and their purpose.
I could use evocation to summon them forth into my temple.
I could even use soul travel to leave my body and go to them, to literally board their mothership or visit their homeworld.
To Be Honest, I Haven’t Tried To Make Contact With Aliens Because They Scare Me!
I haven’t done any of this because, to be honest, aliens scare me! The idea of being abducted at night against my will doesn’t add to my ability to better manage my life, it doesn’t bring me feelings of peace and unity, and it doesn’t help me do the work that I need to do in this world.
In fact, it is quite the opposite. All possible encounters with aliens would leave me with a feeling of terror and powerlessness.
Now, I’m a guy who summons forth armies of demonic entities, and they scare me too. So, what’s the difference?
Feeling safe and comfortable isn’t what I am going for in my magickal practices. If my Ascent requires that I meet with entities that challenge me, or have experiences that press against the boundaries of my known reality, I’m fine with that… as long as I am somewhat certain that such experiences will bring me personal growth!
As far as I can determine, making personal contact with alien lifeforms wouldn’t benefit my life at all, and from what I’ve seen in the accounts of those who claim to have had close encounters with them, these entities are either completely unaware of our higher spiritual capabilities, or they are unconcerned with this aspect of us.
To Make Contact With Aliens, I’d Have To Know How It Would Benefit Me
In order for me to want to make contact with them, I’d have to have a solid answer to the question, “How will this contact benefit me?”
However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t make contact with them if you see a potential benefit in doing so. And it definitely doesn’t mean that you can’t make contact with them using magickal methods.
In fact, a few years ago I was listening to an interview with Whitley Strieber, author of several books on abductions by these beings, and the interviewer asked him how a person could make contact with these otherworldly visitors.
Whitley answered that all that is necessary is, as you are going to sleep for the night, to imagine yourself standing on your roof looking into the sky. He suggested that you should imagine this as clearly as possible, as if you really are standing on your roof, and within your mind invite the visitors to come to you and to make themselves known to you. He then reminded the audience that these beings are indeed telepathic, so they will hear your thoughts, and they will answer.
Strieber affirmed that if you do this every night, you will absolutely experience a close-encounter with these beings!
What this author has suggested is very similar to some of my initial methods for learning mental bi-location and soul travel.
So, if you want to make contact with alien lifeforms, and if you feel that doing so will benefit your life, then there are ways that you can do so.
My suggestion is that you enroll in my Mastering Soul Travel training course, where you’ll learn how to leave your body, at which point you can meet with these alien beings, you can board their ships, and you can even travel to their homeworld or to their original dimension!
I have to admit, that would be quite the journey to take, and if I ever decide that what I would learn by doing so would be worth it, I just might see you aboard the mothership!
Talk again soon,
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