Subject: Lucifer Reveals How To Generate New Realities

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What 9 Out Of 10 Magicians Completely Miss... Why Mastering The 'Inner Game' Of Magick Allows You To Use The 'Reality Generator' Of Your Brain... Lucifer-Amaymon Has Revealed This Formula
E.A. Koetting
Hey Friend,
The last 3-4 months of my life have been entirely devoted to Lucifer’s darkest incarnation, Amaymon.
Amaymon is the Black Sun, and has been called The Hidden God, the Dark Initiator, and in many ways represents the arcane aspects of the solar force and light.
As such, Amaymon’s teachings center around the secrets of that which cannot be seen, cannot be held, but that, once grasped, stir the Sorcerer to unthinkable heights of Ascent and depths of experience.
In my evocations and communications with Lucifer-Amaymon, he didn’t bother giving me elaborate and ornate ceremonies to perform, but instead he pointed me towards very simple meditations and he showed me how observable reality can be altered in dramatic ways by making small shifts in my perceptions and expectations.
What Amaymon has taught me can be summarized as “The Inner Game of Magick,” and believe it or not, his humble recommendations will make all the difference for your magick!
Make The Most Of The Inner Game of Magick
In interviewing people who have created substantial success in their fields, like actors, radio personalities, entrepreneurs, artists, inventors, researchers, and especially magicians, I’ve noticed a pattern that is so prominent that I just can’t ignore it.
People who are massively successful generally start out doing some of the same things as people who never seem to get the rewards they hope for, if we are only looking at the things that we can see.
In fact, if we are just looking at them from a mundane perspective, only seeing their physical actions, the only thing that separates substantially successful people from those who can’t seem to get any traction in the direction of their dreams is that successful people just seem to get all the luck! They get the promotions instead of others who are equally skilled, they run into the right people at the right time, and they just seem to have all of the doors open for them in life.
The good news is that we are more than just our bodies, and our lives are more than just our actions!
What I’ve learned is that, in most cases, people who are massively successful have learned to think differently than others, viewing reality in unique and often peculiar ways. They tend to have a serious case of “pronoia,” which is the belief in an ongoing conspiracy of events, people, circumstance, and even mysterious forces, all working together to make their lives better. Even if they don’t go that far with it, successful people generally maintain the mindset that they can achieve their goals and live their dreams, and all of their beliefs are intentionally focused on making that happen!
The key is that they use their emotions and thoughts to drive their success, rather than letting their emotions and thoughts drive their actions. They have learned that the things that they think and feel most often and most intensely are the things that usually end up manifesting in their lives.
This is without a doubt Magickal Thinking, and whether or not they realize or accept it, these people are Sorcerers!
You Can Literally Begin Creating Your Own Reality...
And I DON'T Mean The Woo Woo Law Of Attraction
Now, I’m not talking about some woo-woo philosophy of “Just tell yourself you’re rich and you’ll get rich.” That’s not realistic.
You need to understand that your body, mind, emotions, and your subtle energetic fields are all reality-generating machines, and if you can simultaneously shift your physiology, your thoughts, your feelings, and the flow of your energy, and if you can learn how to precisely dial these in to the states most conducive to your goals and ambitions, that you can literally begin creating your own reality!
As you change the way you perceive reality, the reality that you perceive changes! Sure, this isn’t a huge revelation, and it’s definitely not a new concept. In fact, it’s one of the oldest spiritual teachings, and is the basis of every magickal system.
But, be honest with yourself: If you were to create a pie-chart, what percentage of time are you using your thoughts and feelings and beliefs as tools to push your reality in the direction that you desire, and what percentage of your daily life are your thoughts and emotions on auto-pilot?
No matter what your pie-chart looks like, any improvement in the Inner Game of Magick is going to make a dramatic improvement in every aspect of your life!
Talk again soon,
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