Subject: Learn The Dark Yoga Of "The 3 Great Vehicles" To Propel Your Ascent

Scholomance: The Order Of The Dragon
Unmask the sinister science and occult history of the Vampiric Arts from the legendary Order of the Dragon… Receive the Dark Gift of the Drakul for apotheosis in the Draculean Chain of undead Vampiric Adepts on Halloween
By bestseller N.D. Blackwood    Live Midnight Halloween
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Learn To Harness The Three Great Vehicles Of Lifeforce To Propel Your Ascent On The Forbidden Path Of The Dragon... Perform The Dark Yoga And Undead Arts Of Traditonal European Occultism
N.D. Blackwood
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Hello Friend,
I am Vampiric Adept, N.D. Blackwood, author of Scholomance: The Order of the Dragon live to order this Monday night, and Draugadrottinn: Lord of the Undead released last year.
After receiving dozens of enthusiastic messages about the subject of Initiatic Vampirism, I wanted to sit with you and discuss a bit about the tradition.
How can we define it? How can we make a difference between occult reality and mythical fiction?
The 3 Great Vehicles Of Lifeforce Energy
Vampirism is popularly associated with blood and feeding off it to prolong one’s existence. This image is associated with many myths surrounding the Undead archetype, not only on the European continent but all around the globe.
Blood is, however, to be understood only as the vehicle for the very substance of life. This invisible energy is known in India under the name of prana and in China as chi. In the eyes of traditional European Occultism, this vital essence is contained in three great vehicles:
Vehicle 1: Blood
Vehicle 2: Breath
Vehicle 3: Sex
In traditional Romanian myths, Varcolacs and Strigois do not feed on blood but rather on the vital essence of their prey which is carried throughout the blood. This energy, present in all things of this universe, comes in several variants with each having its own qualities. The traditional medicine of China distinguishes in particular the celestial and telluric energies present in unlimited quantities in the sky and the earth from the food energies. These food energies are themselves associated with a symbolic element, as well as organs of the human body with different emotions, as well as flavors.
Good health, as well as longevity, then depended on the ability of the human being to maintain a state of balance between these elements. We also find energy stored at the level of the kidneys, which all humans possess in limited quantity since birth. It flows throughout life, filling the energy deficiencies of the body during periods of illness, hardship, and long journeys. When the reservoir has dried up, the physical body dies.
On another side of the spectrum, thoughts also create a form of energy. Altogether, it is this energy that feeds the Vampire to prolong his own life at the expense of his subject. By this act, the Vampiric Sorcerer feeds his own matrix of bodies, initially regenerating his health, slowing the effects of aging, and with years of practice an ageless appearance. This surplus energy is also used for magical purposes. By overloading his body with vital essence, the practitioner of the Undead Arts nourishes his centers in the manner of the Adepts of yogas, allowing the blossoming of certain occult abilities.
This energy overload will also be used for magical purposes and projected in sinister rituals of evocations and in spellcasting to increase intensity and efficiency. The magician will even go so far as to feed the essence of some beings evoked during these rituals, thus making their powers his own – like the ancient Pharaoh Unas who is said to have awakened from his grave to devour the gods to become one himself.
The Etheric Double & Astral Vehicle Of The Adept
Above all, it is his etheric double – his astral body – that the Adept nourishes. This astral body is the vehicle that will allow his consciousness to survive beyond death. Throughout his life, the Adept therefore strengthens him by the vital essence of these victims, and by numerous pacts made with other Vampiric beings or infernal powers. By constantly nourishing it, he thus preserves it from the second death. Much like a human being prevents his physical body from dying with a regular supply of water and food. It also makes it autonomous, in order to one day be able to inhabit it fully while its carnal envelope will rest in the tomb.
Contrary to what has been claimed by some authors, this practice is not harmless to the prey. The ancient myths associate the bite of a vampire with anemia or even death when the victim is drained regularly by a powerful Undead. This can be explained by Chinese medicine too. A lack of energy causes imbalance, weakness, fatigue, and torpor. Deprived of a critical energy balance, a person falls ill much more easily. The body will then try to restore this balance by drawing on its energy reserves. But, when confronted with too strong of a trial, its resources won’t be enough to refuel it. Thus, this can lead to intense fatigue and death.
Vampirism — The Dark Yoga Of Immortality
Eastern European stories dealing with vampirism often feature a demon rising from the grave, feeding on the same victim for weeks, while that person sleeps until they pass to become a Creature of the Night herself. Vampirism is a Yoga of Darkness. A true Adept will not be satisfied with simply consuming the basic aura of his entity, but will seek to nourish himself in an amoral way, into the deep core, to find the purest vital essence, and to fuel his immortality and power over the world.
To discover how to deeply use the powers of Magick Vampirism to your benefit, and thus, ascend on the Path of the Death Defier, I welcome you to rendezvous with me at midnight, Halloween, the 31st of October.
sign up right now to receive an ebook that contains three full chapters of Scholomance totally free. In the sample, you're going to discover two critical lessons on The Body of Black Light and The Vampiric Chain of Immortality, along with a sincere Preface by the author.
• Preface by the author N.D. Blackwood
• Ch. 4 - The Body of Black Light: Transcending Physical Death
• Ch. 8 - The Vampiric Chain of Immortality: Doomed to Eternal Life
Click the big red button below to receive your 3 free full chapters in ebook right now.
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For your safety and convenience, you will receive an email alert when Scholomance becomes live at midnight on Monday, Halloween night, October 31.
Lastly, please share the release of Scholomance with your magick friends. Let your followers on social media know that the new grimoire by N.D. Blackwood becomes live on Halloween. I welcome you to share the photograph at the top of the newsletter and photographs on the prerelease page found through the link above. I will talk to you again soon...
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