Subject: How To Transform A Blind Man Into An All-Seeing Prophet

How To Transform A Blind Man Into An All-Seeing Prophet... I Reveal The Occult Secrets For Attaining Omniscience, And Anyone Can Do It

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Hey Friend,

Above is a screenshot from my all-new "Mastering Divination: Omniscience" program. I'm demonstrating how to perform an ULTRA-POWERFUL - and very secret - voodoo scrying ritual.

It's a magick ritual that I learn directly from the High Priest of Vodoun, Baron DePrince.

...where you harness the energy of fire to receive sharp revelations

Fire-scrying has a LONG heritage, and generates a deeply profound trance state for intense visionary experiences. And the coolest part is that ANYONE can succeed at it.

With nothing more than a few household items, YOU can get stunning results from this kind of exotic divination inside your own ritual chamber or temple.

But this is just the beginning...

Through the rest of the course, I show you MUCH MORE, like:

  • Achieving the omniscient Theta-Gama Synch state for clairvoyant reception
  • My own proven technique for scrying into an activated black magick mirror, so you actually see imagery, hear speech, feel spirit presence, and even taste and smell
  • Perform a reliably accurate tarot reading - then I kick it up a notch, and show you how to conduct a FULL tarot reading INSIDE YOUR MIND, with NO actual cards
  • How to scry penetrating messages from a bowl of fresh blood
  • Reading tea leaves, casting runes, aiming dowsing rods, and working a Ouija board - become a master of the "classic" tools
  • And most improtantly, above ALL, I help you avoid the WORST MISTAKES that almost all beginners make - remove YEARS from your learning curve

The core of what I'm going to show you, is how to harness the magickal power of virtually ANY object, so you can use it for propecy and seership.

Would you like to learn the details of how the program works, as well as how to get started? Click right here:


Now, as you know, on Halloween I kickstarted "Mastering Divination: Omniscience".

And man, there is so much buzz about it right now, I literally feel high! (A feeling I often get when a magick spell has proven exceptionally effective)

The feedback I'm getting has been extremely rewarding and humbling so far:

Lisa says... "E.A. you really impress me. It's a blessing to see you demonstrate these divination rituals properly. I've always heard of them, but never seen them done. It's given me an entirely new dymanic that's missing from books. I scried for the first time last night and I'm already starting to see meaningful imagery that answers my intended question!!" - Lisa, CA

Frater P says... "Your work is dazzling and profound. If I may be so bold as to grade your artistic endeavour, it's an A+ for sure." - Frater P., ENG

Marshall says... "I did't know how much I'd enjoy learning about divination, because I admit that I was a little bit skeptical, but you've completely changed my mind, and I'm witnessing interesting results from the telepathic divination exercise." - Marshall, UT

Of course, these highly complimentary testimonials are fine, but can ANYONE really succeed with divination?

Speaking for myself, I firmly believe humans are inherently magickal creatures. We possess all the necessary technology - a mind and brain - for performing extraorinary sorcery. And I myself have observed literally hundreds of my own personal apprentices and initiates develop this remarklable power.

There was a time when I was not a lucid clairvoyant yet, and I was just getting my chops.

As I explain in the program, I was an initiate of a deeply arcane Christian sect of black magick (as controversial as that sounds!)

I fasted, and engaged in a deep, divinatory prayer to the "Holy Spirit" and encountered an extremely lifechanging phase of OMNISCIENCE. Here is my recollection:

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It's one of the most beautiful experiences of my entire life.

Mind you, I no longer use terms like "Holy Spirit" and "God" in my daily rituals, but at that point in my life, and inside the context of that particular brand of magick, these words contained MIND BLOWING magick.

Now, you may NOT be a member of an elite magickal order (nor do I necessarily recommend you join one, to be completely honest), or maybe you ARE a member, but your organization lacks effective training, and has too few accomplished magicians and you're deprived of attention.

It doesn't matter.

You now have my "Mastering Divination: Omniscience" program to provide you all the education you need to JUMP-START this area of your practice: the attainment of the First Godlike Power.

I am here to reassure and encorage you to TAKE THE NEXT STEP, and TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS.

I am going to walk you through, step-by-step from start to finish, from novice to expert, from initial practice to real long-term success.

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In order to get success with omniscience, you need to stop doubting yourself.

You need to stop being afraid of failure.

You need to stop over-intellectualizing this process.

Start embracing your own nature. You are a human capable of performing magick.

Start testing these rituals. Find out how well they work by challenging them.

Start believing in magick. Because it's real!

Now all that remains if for you to learn the rituals. And my job is to give you the BEST OF THE BEST for tapping into this Godlike Power.

So let's go. Click here to take the next step:


You'll be happy you did...

Godlike Power,

E.A. Koetting