Subject: How To Invoke Your Daemon On The Samhain Unholiday

The Luciferian witch, Maggie Moon
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Lifelong Luciferian Witch Reveals The True Magick Of The Nightside Found In The Samhain Unholiday From The Ancient Celts... And How To Harness The Darkness For Spiritual Ascent With Your Daemon
Maggie Moon
The Left Hand Path Witch
Hello Friend,
I’m the Luciferian witch, Maggie Moon. This is a time of year when the energetic tides around us are of release, endings, death, and inevitable decay. I trust you have been feeling the transitional energy all around us right now with the tides of the season? Perhaps your dreams have even become especially riddled with strange messages from your subconsciousness?
Well, I would like to assure you that this is not at all uncommon for this time of year, as the veil is growing thin as Samhain approaches. This is a transitional time, and it is ideal to use this energy to benefit your life! This is a time where many can communicate with unseen forces with greater ease, and with the beloved dead. Those of us in the northern hemisphere can already feel the earth as she begins her transitional journey into darkness. All of nature is busy preparing for the winter months ahead. The animals are busy gathering and preparing, the trees are colorful, and shedding leaves that they no longer require, the grass and flowers are dying as well. The air is emitting a mossy, woodsy fragrance that is magnificently dark and beautiful. The mystical aroma of decay from the fallen leaves, dying flowers and grass serve as a harsh and beautiful reminder that endings are afoot. And, are necessary to make way for the new.
All that has fallen away transforms into compost that will nourish the soil and the seeds of transformation and new beginnings. The darkness is a significantly powerful time to tune into, wherein the metaphorical seeds within us “wake up” and germinate. When this occurs within proper conditions, this increases the opportunity to achieve great potential and the facilitation of powerful growth within you.
Wisdom Of The Ancient Celts — Why The Priests Viewed Darkness As The Womb Of Life & Growth
The ancient Celts knew this and measured time in darkness. The day began with the setting of the sun. They measured increments of time by nights, and not day to day, as we now do. They understood that within darkness, the new began. Also, with this knowledge, they would set their intentions for the day ahead at night.
With the third and final harvest of Samhain comes the ruling of the dark half of the year. All of nature is busy transitioning into rest and decay. This is traditionally a time of culling away the animals of the herd that wont make it through the winter month. A time of gathering essential supplies to ensure survival through the long and cold winter. For our ancestors, this was a matter of life and death. They learned well how to align themselves with the seasonal tides, spirits of the land, and energetic influences of the earth.
For many of us, we do not have to gather large storages of food for the winter. We have the modern luxury of grocery stores where we perform our symbolic hunting and gathering as we purchase supplies. Many of us still need to prepare our homes and properties for the coming winter, pull out our winter clothes, and winterize our vehicles. Just as everything else in nature is busy preparing, it is only wise that we too, prepare ourselves physically and spiritually.
Harnessing The Nightside Of Nature For Divination
Samhain has long been a time where acts of scrying, divination, and necromancy have been performed. These historically were performed to aid survival through the winter by seeking to foresee the upcoming conditions ahead.
Do you not think it a good idea to do the same during this time of darkness and introspection? You can bring forth the deep hidden wisdom of your subconscious mind into your dayside awareness. By working with the darkness and coming to know and understand its nature within, you can accelerate your growth unlike ever before. During this transitional time, perform divination to realize the forces and influences that are surrounding you right now.
Divination helps you become aware of things from the past that are still affecting you, influences that are around you at present, and energetic influences and potential events of the future. It can also reveal those things that are impeding your success. Then, with intentional focus, you can use the energy of the season to cull away that which no longer serves you. As you recognize transitional moments in time to empower you, it maximizes your growth and happiness. As a spiritual practitioner, you likely want to maximize this time as you begin an introspective journey inward during the winter months. Performing acts of divination can be of great help to ensure that you use time wisely. Helping you to focus on things that will have the greatest impact on the achievement of your goals!
I Am The Goddess Of My World —
And You're The God/dess Of Yours Too
As a Luciferian, I truly hold the belief that I am the Goddess of my world and that I alone am responsible and accountable for all that I do. This also includes the steps that I take to evolve and grow on all levels as I traverse upon my personal path striving for self excellence and mastery upon the earth regarding my existence. For myself, part of this mastery is a purposeful welding and merging of knowledge from the unseen realms and the powers of earth Herself. With a deep awareness and understanding that I too, am part of nature. As such, I study the cycles of nature inwardly, as well as outwardly, within my local landscape. I strive to develop relationships with the land spirits, working directly with them as teachers and guides.
I also study the animals and their behavioural patterns that ensure their survival though the harsh conditions year after year. I have come to understand that their resiliency is directly related to their knowledge of weather signs and patterns,their nurturing and predatory instincts, and the application of each appropriately. I have also witnessed that in certain years; the animals seemed more frantic and more aggressive in relation to their gathering preparations for the winter. In each instance, I noted harsher winter conditions.
We can gain a lot of insight by being fully present and aware of the world that we live in. Paying special attention to the surrounding details that can foretell of the patterns that will directly affect our living conditions. I feel that studying my local and global environment allows for me to realistically assess and take proper courses of actions for the assurance of my well being. I feel that the same holds true concerning the influences that I am not yet aware of, or the potential situations that have not yet manifested, being on the cusp of entering my reality based upon my present course in life. These influences may also enter my life because of those that I share my time with. Often, these insights come to surface through meditation and a connection with my Daemon.
Performing Divination Readings To Strengthen
A Relationship With My Inner Daemon
For me, I use divination to enhance my awareness and to bring insights that can further empower me. After many years of strengthening my relationship with my Daemon and working in alignment with my will I have found the need to perform readings has lessened. Now, I will perform readings if I am stuck on something and need a solution, or if I have a decision to make and I want to take all factors; seen and unseen into consideration beforehand. I also perform personal readings during transitional times in the year in alignment with the energetic shifts of the year. Some people do not feel the need to perform divination. This is perfectly acceptable. We all must live our lives in accordance with our true will and with what is personally significant.
Like many, when I first began my spiritual journey, I found that my need for readings was frequent. In some instances, almost weekly. This is common because when we begin to take purposeful and conscious steps to shift our lives from being ruled by external influences and take control on all levels of our reality we experience a lot of changes! With this understanding, we can then wield that awareness to our advantage with the help of readings. Then we truly witness many things in our lives transform.
With this transformation, there can be new relationships and opportunities that form, some old relationships that fall away, situations that crumble, and old outdated paradigms destroyed. As the barriers, blockages, and illusions that were once held fall away! This is necessary to create fertile soil for the new. In these instances, frequent readings are often advisable to assist you transition with each ending and new beginning. With an understanding of what and why you are experiencing these changes, you can maximize their benefits and prevent you from repeating unnecessary past mistakes. Readings are valuable tools to help you cultivate and grow a life that is more successful, meaningful, joyous, and fulfilling on all levels!
I want you to have every opportunity for success and so I am including a Tarot spread above that I created especially for this time of year. Book a life-changing 60-minute Samhain tarot reading with me right now and get a $9 discount, or you can book a 30-minute reading too. I welcome you to harness the magick powers of the nightside for your spiritual ascent this Halloween time. In your reading, I will help to identify key areas of your life that you need to resolve and share proven ideas on furthering your ascent with them.
Until next time...
I wish you Dark and Wild Blessings!
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