Subject: How Magick Ecstasy Unlocks The Crossroads Between Worlds

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Unconventional Wisdom: You Do NOT Need To Enter A Comatose Trance To Unlock The Spirit World... Learn How To Unlock The Crossroads State Through The Magick Power Of Ecstasy
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Today, I want to help you troubleshoot one of the most frustrating things that a lot of newcomers encounter when they begin practicing magick. Honestly, even a lot of adepts have some serious problems with it. We’re going to discuss getting into a trance, and how to use it in magick. We’re going to unravel all of the myths and truths about magickal trance, showing you the truth behind its efficacy.
Do You Need To Enter A Comatose Trance?
I’ve been consistently receiving questions about the magickal trance quite a bit lately. Most people coming into this are saying that they can’t get into a trance, and they are concerned that if they cannot achieve a magickal trance, they can’t effectively practice magick. In their minds, their meditations, prayers, and their entire magickal lives are being hindered by their inability to effectively enter into a perfect trance state.
To this I would respond: why do you need to be in a trance?
Most people assume that in order to activate magick, they need to be in a trance state through what I have named the Theta-Gamma Sync, which is essential for entering the Crossroads. Let’s pull back the reins a bit here and ask: is all of that true? Is any of it true?
Ritual Ecstasy Opens A Gateway
To The Crossroads Between Worlds
Does magick actually require you to be in a trance?
When we look at many historical traditions, rarely do we see that being in a static trance is actually desirable or required. For instance, what do you see in Voudon, in Santeria, in Quimbanda? You don’t see a lot of people in a static trance. Instead, you see a lot of people dancing, moving, singing, playing instruments, yelling, swallowing swords, and spitting fire.
Now, you might think that in order to do these things, the practitioners would have to be in a trance. I think that we might be using the wrong words here.
Trance isn’t the right term. What we need to be in is ecstasy. Ecstasy is the key to it all.
In your own practice, you want to get yourself into a state of ecstasy. You want to lose yourself in the ritual, completely losing yourself in the moment. If there’s a moment that you can get yourself into a trance and use it effectively, that’s great, but it’s not always where you want to be. In either case, you need to be able to take a moment to separate normal space from magickal space. This means setting the mood by adjusting the environment, lighting some incense and candles, breathing and relaxing into the moment of your ritual contact with the Spirit World or Other World.
Being Fully In The Moment To Compel Ecstasy
When you call the spirit, be fully in the moment. Don’t worry about being in a trance. Simply be fully present, and you’ll be able to feel the tingle on your skin. Don’t worry if the spirit is going to come. The spirit is already there.
Be in that moment, treating it as if it is everything that it needs to be, because you are creating the energy. You are the one that’s bringing the spirits. You are the one who is opening the gates, and you can only do that when you are fully in the moment.
So, make that moment as compelling a moment as possible through your ritual to enter the highest ecstasy. Again, light incense and candles, hang strange-colored lights, and put magick talismans on the walls. Do whatever it takes to get yourself 100% in that moment in ritual. When you do, there will be no doubt that you will see success after success rolling in your wake.
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Get initiation into the Inner Circle of the Demonic Gatekeepers, to be anointed as an Antichrist of the Apocalypse. I guide you in activating each Gatekeeper with the power of my three-year pathworking.
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Now, I’ve been performing ritual magick just about as long as I can remember, and I have nailed down the keys of mastery over it. There is nothing that a sorcerer or witch cannot do with magick. You can take advantage of all my experience and knowledge, all of the pacts that I have made, and all of the spirits that reside within my temple with the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers Initiation & Evocation.
This will give you initiation into the Inner Circle of the Gatekeepers, to be anointed as an Antichrist of the Apocalypse. You can sign up for the full Nine Demonic Gatekeeper initiation, which includes an e-book that’s going to guide you step by step in how to activate each Gatekeeper without having to do the three-year pathworking that I did. You’re also going to get a video course that walks you through the Gatekeepers, showing you the rituals that I have done to get their power and favor. In addition, you’ll receive a video recording of the ritual of Initiation into the Gatekeepers’ inner circle, where I will allow the Gatekeepers to come through me, giving them my mouth to convey whatever messages you need to understand. Book now because my calendar has become full.
Talk again soon,
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