Subject: Here's The REAL Truth About The "Satanic Agenda"

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Ignite The Black Flame To Ascend Through The Gates Of The Infernal Empire With The Nine Demonic Gatekeepers... Here's The TRUTH About The "Satanic Agenda" & Age Of The Antichrist
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
Today, I want to tell you a little about the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers, the grimoire of my pathworking of the Gates to the Infernal Empire!
We also need to clear up some information about the Black Alchemy, the Gatekeepers themselves, and what all of this extreme hardcore black magick is aiming at!
I had the vision of this grimoire over three years ago, and it’s taken three years of harder work than I’ve ever done in my life to bring it to fruition. Bringing this grimoire into manifestation has required deeper soul searching than I ever thought possible, more rituals than I can count, and has taken me to realms that are impossible to even put into words. This is, unquestionably, the greatest pathworking that you will ever go through as a black magician.
Belial revealed the term “Black Alchemy” to me, and that’s exactly what this grimoire initiates. This Black Alchemy is not an alchemical process that takes you closer to an external God, but a process that brings your Godself closer to the here and now. It aligns who you are with who you want to be, eliminating all obstacles in between.
As I’ve worked through these paths, as I’m sure you know, I’ve released the compendiums of these Gatekeepers, but in the Nine Gatekeepers saga, all of my contributions are isolated and the pathworkings are laid out step by step. For those of you that are hearing about the Gatekeeper Path and working the black alchemy for the first time, this deals with Belial, Lucifer, Amaymon, Azazel, Abaddon, Lucifuge, Beelzebub, Baal, Asmodeus, and Satan, as well as all of the different masks that these Gatekeepers have worn as they’ve communed with each and every society on earth.
Every civilization and culture has been contacted by the Gatekeepers. Now, in this age, they have contacted us again in preparation for what many are calling the apocalypse. Personally, I’m calling it a Time of Revelation, an Age of the Antichrist stimulated by the opening of these gates. Never before has the Infernal Empire been so close to earth. Never before have these gates been opened so wide, and now you can open them even further for yourself. You can experience what true power and true freedom are really all about. Click the big red button below right now to pick up your copy of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers full series, and save as much as 77% off!
The REAL Truth About The "Satanic Agenda"
Humanity is being pushed forward in leaps and bounds towards the next phase of our incarnation as a species. All of the limitations that we currently behold are but specters, phantoms of our fears, and all of these are being broken. Segments of the human population are waking up.
As a child I had assumed that the apocalypse would be a great war or some sort of mass destructive event, and that in having to survive and push forward to any sort of habitable future the remainder of the population would by necessity need to evolve the way that we think, the way that we act, and the things that we create.
We are witnessing a pandemic, a global pestilence sweeping the land. We are witnessing the revelations of the sins of the elite, and all that once was secret is now being shouted from the rooftops and delivered to our personal devices.
Rather than a mass destructive event, what is now upon us in this great leap forward is a personal event, a personal awakening. One at a time, the godly incarnate are waking up to our own power to our own purpose, and to the sea of changes crashing against the walls of comfort and familiarity.
Now is not the time to turn away from the Darkness. Now is the time to go all in on who you know you are!
This is just the beginning...
Place your order for my Grimoires of the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers now and save a giant 77%.
Talk again soon,
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