Subject: Finally... How To Become My Magick Apprentice

Do You Need My Help To Resolve Your Magick Emergencies, Answer Your Urgent Worries, And Clarify Confusions? -- How To Become My Monthly Apprentice & Watch Never Before Seen Footage
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E.A. Koetting
Hey Friend,
Magick can change your life. I know that this is true because I witnessed it first in my own life. I can’t even imagine what my life would be - or who I would have become - without magick.
To be blunt, I seriously don’t know that I would be here. I don’t know if I would have survived without magick.
I’ve also seen the transformation in the lives of others who have taken magick and applied it to their unique circumstances, and we’ve all marveled as their experience of reality shifted around them in accordance with their will.
Black Magick is the ultimate force for good. Anyone claiming otherwise is either misinformed, or they are lying.
When I find something that is capable of such intense positive self-transformation, I just can’t keep it to myself.
Long before Become A Living God was created, before I had even published my first book, I was on a mission to bring the knowledge and power of magick into the lives of everyone who was ready for it.
I started publishing essays in print and online, I hosted free seminars and workshops to engage people locally, and I eventually penned and published several grimoires and magickal manuals that are now considered “Cult Classics” of occult literature. I did all of this for the single purpose of delivering the knowledge of magick to every living person who was ready for it!
I can look back at the road I’ve travelled and I can proudly say that it has worked, and that it is still working, and the magickal wildfire that I’ve started is going to catch the whole world on fire!
I Am Now Accepting "Apprentices" Through Monthly Live Chats... Receive Presonal Help With Your Ascent In Real Time
In the process of expanding my reach, growing my audience, and spreading the word, I’ve also become aware of the necessity to keep bringing it all back to the basics.
Over the last few years as I’ve built the “BALG Movement” into the fury-storm that it’s become, I’ve had a LOT of people like yourself ask if they could somehow apprentice under my mentorship.
Up until now, I’ve sadly had to turn them away, because I simply didn’t have a platform capable of facilitating an apprenticeship program.
I have finally worked the last bugs out of my approach, and I am excited to announce that I am now accepting apprentices to learn the secrets of black magick directly from me in intimate, personalized live chat sessions for Patrons of my magick.
You’ll also get to watch all of my live ritual videos, video blogs, and video seminars before anyone else gets the chance to see it. This allows you to stay on the exact same page with me, earlier than everyone else!
I’m Opening My "Magick Vault" So You Can Finally See The Footage That NOBODY Else Has Access To... Receive A New "Mystery Video" Ever Month...
In case you hadn’t noticed, over the past several years I have become obsessed with filming live rituals, interviews, and lectures on the applications of black magick, and I release many of them on my Youtube channel freely.
But, the sad truth is that a lot of my footage never sees light of day -- it either becomes lost, or deleted, or it sits on my hard drives and no one can ever see it.
I possess literally thousands of hours of magick on film, and for the first time ever, I will open my vault so you can finally see the footage that NOBODY else has access to.
Every month you will receive a 'mystery' video that contains one or two hours of unprecedented sorcery. It could feature a live ritual, a spellcasting, or a secret interview with a dark witch or magician.
If you truly do love magick, and if you truly want to help me in my quest to bring magick into the lives of every single person who is ready for it, then you need to become a patron of my magick and my art through Patreon.
To summarize this apprenticeship agreement in full, view this below:
  • Early Access to new videos
  • Live Chat on Youtube
  • Mystery Video from my vault
  • 20% off coupon on clothes
  • Support a cause you love
If you would become more involved with me in a monthly relationship, receive personalized help to address your emergencies, concerns, and worries related to magick, then pledge now on Patreon.
Talk again soon,
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