Subject: FOUND — The Holy Grail Of The Modern Black Magician

Authored By Conner Kendall    Foreword by E.A. Koetting
Jumpstart your dark spiritual ascent with the best handbook on performing Black Magick for serious beginners… Discover humanity’s most liberating, empowering, and rewarding spirituality...
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Live at midnight Monday night September 26
FOUND — The Holy Grail Of The Black Magician... Here's The True Story Of My Decade-Long Hunt For The Ultimate Uncensored Do-It-Yourself Grimoire Of Infernal Ascent... And Here Are My Findings
Conner Kendall
Black magician & author
Hello Friend,
Greetings brothers and sisters, it's author Conner Kendall here. I have just a few questions for you and I want you to answer each one honestly and truthfully for a moment.
1. Have you ever read a beginners book in magick that produced guaranteed results in all that is contained therein?
2. Have you ever read a beginners book in magick that covered all the fundamentals skills, foundational work, and had each vital core component in every page?
3. Did you think to yourself, "This one book is the magickal gem and I won't need to buy any other book for the start of my path?"
4. Have you ever seen a book that covers trance work, energy work, development of astral senses, altered states of awareness, sigils, ritual magick, cleansings, protection, invocation, evocation, consecration, soul travel and all other the most powerful arts and sciences in book?
5. Can you imagine a book that is straightforward and actually usable, which bypasses all the nonsensical mystical dogma and grandiose fantasies?
Now imagine all of this and so much more, the complete book not just for the beginners in black magick, but the must needed tome for anyone serious in black magick, the Left Hand Path and the Path of Ascent and Self-Deification. Well I'm here to tell you, no longer do you need to petitioning the demons, angels or gods to bring you such a book. Its already here and is a decade of magickal, spiritual and metaphysical trial and error, experimentation and dedication. I present to you The Black Magicians Handbook. This inspiration for this written work was the continuous questions I had gotten for years and it's always the same question.
"What book do you recommend for a beginner?"
You see this question bothered me for a very long time, I can name several amazing and fantastic occult and magickal tomes, even several different authors, many of which are a part of BALG publishing and some not. Yet after looking through my very lengthy and extensive, spiritual, mystical, metaphysical and magickal/occult library. It suddenly hit me that a lot of the books whilst great in many aspects, have key components missing. Vital skills, fundamental works, misleading moments and one of the biggest problems is a lot of occult works are written with the notion that the reader has a firm foundation and fundamental skills to apply the words upon the pages.
So, I began going through literally hundreds of my physical and digital journals, digging through memories, and so forth. I decided to not only create the best book for any beginner, but the book that the younger version of myself would have done anything to obtain. The methods and blueprint in these pages not only made me the magician I am today, but also forged all my students and apprentices all across the globe into the powerhouse black magicians they are today. A truly universal guide and all-in-one handbook that contains all that you need upon your path and development to kick-start your journey. Perfect for the dabblers, neophyte, intermediate, hell there's even information here that adepts can definitely benefit from.
Unleash Your Innate Godlike Powers With My
No-Nonsense All-In-One Guide To Dark Ascent
In The Black Magicians Handbook, you'll learn:
1. The Foundational Skills - The practical, required, applicable skills that the black magician and witch should have, along with a variety of techniques and methods to work on these skills. These skills serve the black magician well, ensuring that even the newest of beginners can apply these skills to any and every magickal workings they may have in the future, for guaranteed results.
2. Fundamental Practices - Step upon the sorcerous and magickal path and learn self-initiation, begin connecting with the ancient powers of magick. Learn methods of consecration, banishing, cleansing, and uncover secret sorcerous recipes and concoctions. Begin awakening the powers of magick within you and within your temple and ritual space, imbue every candle, athame and ritualistic tool with its own unique power and function. Magick is alive and now you begin to use this living omnipresent force in a very real and tangible way.
3. Bulletproof Magickal Defense & Protection - Call upon the spiritual forces of protection to envelop and encapsulate you, loved ones, your home and even your ritual area. Learn the methods of shielding, warding, and various other means and practices to create an impenetrable magickal fortress.
4. Powerful Practical Magick - Learn methods of candle magick to manifest any desire through the sorcerous Gateway of Fire and Flame. You’ll find step-by-step techniques, methods, and a full breakdown of the two summoning magickal branches referred to as evocation and invocation. Call upon demons, angels, elementals, planetary spirits, the dead and every spiritual being for any intended purpose. Learn the secrets of money magick, love magick, annihilation of obstacles and blockages, baneful magick and so much more. Learn these potent forms of magick to create, destroy and rearrange your entire reality.
5. Ascend Beyond The Limits Of The Flesh - Transcend the limitations of the physical body and world, journey beyond this physical plane. Learn about spiritual cosmology, the subtle bodies, methods of projection for guaranteed results no longer waiting hours and being stuck inside the body unable to get out. Discover secret gateways into the spiritual realms, planes and worlds travel through them to uncover secrets hidden, lost or forgotten. Learn methods of astral creations, astral shape-shifting and so much more.
This may sound like a lot but I'm here to tell you this merely scratches the surface and is only a teaser for the true in-depth and profound potential herein. So my final and serious question to you is this, are you ready and are you willing to take yourself, your life and reality into the new heights and break the shackles of your own limitations. What are you waiting for then, get your hands on this absolute blackened gem of a book, as an investment into the future you've always dreamed off. For this truly is the black magicians handbook all that you could ever want and need to ignite the furnace of ascent.
I welcome you to sign up right now to receive a FREE ebook chapter of The Black Magician's Handbook. I will see you at midnight, Monday night, September 26 when the grimoire becomes live.
You Will Watch Live Recordings Of The Advanced Wealth Magick Rituals To Seal The Sign Of The Infernal Masters Upon Your Life Forever
E.A. Koetting and I will perform their rituals on the night of the New Moon, September 25th, following only days after the September Equinox. This is the perfect crossroads for beginning new ventures, starting a new business, doubling-down on your current empire, and for finding the path that is best for you.
We will summon our most trusted demonic allies to work hard on your behalf, and both Connor and I will unlock the Treasury of the Infernal Empire and let the many riches of this world and the other spiritual realms flow into your life like a waterfall of abundance.
Both E.A. and I will film our rituals, so you can see and hear everything that happens, and receive any channeled insights that come through us. As soon as the ritual is complete we will begin processing the footage, and will send you a video link within a few days.
The ritual is not fully sealed until you watch the ritual video, as doing so confirms that you willfully accept these supernatural forces into your life. Once you’ve signed up for this ritual, we will bring your name before these Infernal Masters and seal their sign upon your life forever.
Book The Wealth Ritual
Darkest Blessings,
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Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this newsletter at your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for your magick. This newsletter is for readers of age 18 or older only.