Subject: Did I Sell Out? - My Honest Answer

Furious Viewer "Tom" Demands To Know: "When Did You Become Such A Sellout?" — Find Out My Candid Confession And True History Below...
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E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight cult classics and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
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Hey Friend,
I recently noticed an irritated comment under one of my Youtube videos from “Tom” who asked: “When exactly did you become such a sellout?”
This is a pretty straightforward question, so I’ll offer a straightforward answer.
When I was a child, I knew that there was a reality that overlapped or intersected with this reality. I also knew that there were certain methods that I could learn that would allow me to tap into this other world. I knew that if I could learn the methods of doing so, that it would unlock infinite potential in me.
When I was about 12 years old, I started experimenting with this, through ouija boards, candle magick, elemental invocations, and anything else I could get my hands on.
At 16 Years Old, I Knew That I Wanted To Be A Black Magician For Hire When I Grew Up
When I was around 16 years old, I came across a website,, created by Carl Hanz Welz. Through this website, Karl Welz was selling things like Orgone generators, which at that point I considered to be nothing more than pseudo-science.
What I really saw highlighted in this website, though, was the ability to have black magicians working for you. Welz simply referred these services as “Black Magicians For Hire.” You could hire these black magicians to perform rituals for you, but more importantly you could hire them for consultations where they would teach you the magick you need to know. They would also guide you in performing spells and rituals to obtain your goals.
Now, in order to become a black magician for hire through this website, you would need to undergo their initiatory process, mastering the occult arts and ritual magick. So, at 16 years old I submitted an application to become a black magician for hire.
Since I was only 16, my application was rejected, and I was invited to reapply once I was 18 years old.
Over the following two years, I studied everything about magick that I could get my hands on, learning how to cast effective spells, perform advanced rituals, and learning evocation and divination.
I learned so much over those two years that by the time I was 18 I was no longer really interested in working for someone else as a black magician. But, I still had it locked in my mind that I wanted to be a black magician for hire. In fact, most of my rituals began moving my life towards this goal!
I started joining various occult lodges, churches, and orders, learning all they could teach me, rising through the ranks and submitting my own writings and ideas and moving towards that end goal.
My End Goal Shifted: I Wanted To Bring My Message Of Self-Godhood To Millions Of People!
My end goal started to shift from being a black magician for hire, to instead being the most influential black magician in history, to potentially bring my message of self-godhood to millions of people!
I also read everything I could get my hands on, from classical occult grimoires to modern day magickal writers. I took note on what they were doing right, but I also noticed what they were doing wrong, either in their application, or sometimes in their delivery. I saw where their teachings could have been amplified by presenting the material in a certain way, contrasting this against proven teaching systems.
I was finding out what was needed not just to write a book, but to write a book that would attract the attention of thousands of people.
After years of refining my craft through publishing countless articles, essays, and short manuals on magick, I finally sat down and wrote my first book, “Kingdoms of Flame.”
Due to the foundation that I had established my work upon, due to my goal of eventually reaching millions of people with my message of self-godhood, and due to the magick that I employed to this end, this book set records in the field of occult publishing!
With each book that I published, my audience grew and grew!
When I met Timothy Donaghue and we started formulating this project, Become A Living God, it became clear to me that what we were creating was exactly what I wanted since I was 16 years old, that Become A Living God was the successful outcome of countless rituals, evocations, and spell that I cast. And that now, today, it is here!
My Lifelong Dedication To Magick And The
Left Hand Path Has Only Strengthed With Time...
The Concept Of "Sell Out" Seems Strange To Me
Now, I have to be honest: the whole concept of “Selling Out” has never made sense to me.
The definition of “selling out” is when a person compromises their integrity or their principles for financial gain. Perhaps if I quit sorcery and became a white magician for largesse, a person could call me a sell out. Perhaps if I relocated to Hollywood and cruised night clubs, a person could call me a sell out. But in reality, my life is pretty humble. I live in the Utah desert, drive a motorcycle, and take care of my daughter.
Anyone who thinks that I’ve "sold out" simply does not know what my principles are! In fact, how can anyone claim to know what another person’s principles are?
Let me tell you what I truly believe: Magick is real. The effect that it can have can completely alter your reality. If you take these teachings and apply them, you’re going to transform your life for the better!
And, when your rituals and your hard work produce real and tangible results, when your life becomes the paradise of your own creation, those who have not applied these teachings nor done the hard work to manifest their dreams will accuse you of selling out.
Abraham Maslow said that the highest state of self actualization is to be free of the good opinion of others, and I can tell you that this is harder than it may sound… but not only does it offer the greatest sense of fulfillment to create the life that you want despite the naysayers, it is essential to your success to pay them absolutely no attention as you move towards your goals with an eye single to your power to achieve them!
Talk again soon,
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