Subject: Commander-In-Chief: Your New Daily *Power Commands*

The All-New Demon-Powered Draconian Tarot Magic
Exclusively For Qliphothic Magicians & Black Witches
A 78-card tarot deck, mahogany protective box & color grimoire
Get $100 Off - Save 20% - Limited Edition
Perform This Daily, 4-Step, Self-Empowerment Ritual Every Single Morning To Harden And Polish The Black Diamond Of Your Immortal Highest Self... How To Let Alchemy Become Your New Normal
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
It's E.A Koetting. I want to tell you about new release by Bill Duvendack and Asenath Mason, the Oraculum Leviathan tarot deck and the Oraculum Leviathan grimoire. First, let's talk about the deck, because I had been searching the world for a tarot deck that represents black magick at the core.
Become a Living God is not just the name of this Company & Kingdom through which I choose to leave my mark on the world & lead people to a higher purpose.
It is a destination, a forever changing position through which the ones chosen for a higher path, can realize their highest potential and become a divine being in the flesh, here and now in this and all other worlds.
Your Ascent is not only about you: Your Ascent will change the lives of multiple generations after you if you do it right.
A key to unlimited power is consistency. The Master engages with the Powers of Darkness directly every single day. Every single day, the Living God must create.
But, what if you’re not sure what ritual to perform? What about when life is going well and spells are really needed to course-correct your life?
Every day, your help is needed. Every day, you have the chance to create something new, and to lay to rest old things that no longer serve you.
But, you don’t need to freeform your ritual every day. In fact, I have a ritual to share with you that was revealed to me by the Lord of Kings himself: Baal. This has become my daily ritual, and I throw myself into it with everything that I’ve got every single morning, and it provides a complete reset of my physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual selves.
This ritual, when performed daily, will turn you into a magickal nuclear reactor, pulling more power into you than you thought possible, and stabilizing it as you direct it towards the fulfillment of your Ultimate Purpose.
This Ritual is going to be very raw and intense and will probably make you cry and sob while you have to literally yell your commands into reality.
Be as raw as you can get with this and I will promise you that this Ritual is going to change your Life forever if you execute it on a daily basis!
Now, for the once that have found their purpose, for the once ready to funnel their energy into their goals in life, here are the ritual steps:
The 4 Steps Of The Ritual
Step 1: Gratitude
Stand or sit and place your hands over your heart so you can feel your heartbeat.
Feel your heart itself opening, and expand this by thinking about the love you have for others and the love that others have for you.
When was the last time that someone loved you unconditionally?
Recapture this moment, feel it widening and expanding your heart center with the fiery essence of Love.
Think about the last time when you were proud of someone, or of yourself, and bring that moment into the present, feeling your heart expanding.
Remember a time when you felt joy, and bring the feeling of that moment into your heart.
The goal with Step 1 is to trigger yourself into full bliss of gratitude, connectedness, and love.
Appreciate how amazing it feels, and see if you can make the bliss so intense that you think you just might explode!
Then, think about someone - anyone - who could use some of this bliss. Who do you know that needs to feel loved? Who could benefit from some increased pride today? Who could use a little more joy?
Imagine that person, and send what you are feeling towards them, and know that whether they know it or not, they are receiving your gift of power.
Feel how the energy inside of you doesn’t decrease as you channel it away from you, but that your entire spiritual self expands as you do so.
Step 2: Building Power
Brush your fingertips together and create an energy sphere or black star in your hands.
Fuel it with power and intent and push it into your self with every command and empowerment.
Let the energy of it build up like a neutron star in your hands, feel it radiating and growing in power as you feed it your attention and then, with your right hand, slam the orb into your chest, and absorb it into your heart while YELLING the following Power Commands. YELL each command as loud as you can, repeating each phrase until you believe it, creating an orb of energy and slamming it into your chest each time.
Everything I need is within me now!
I will live my purpose today!
Prosperity flows through me like an avalanche!
I am a creator and I will create today!
I am the chosen one and I choose power!
I am a Living God!
I have a purpose, and nothing will get in my way!
These are just templates. Try these power phrases for at least a few days in a row, and then start creating your own!
Step 3: Fear
You could fail…
What is the obstacle that is holding you back, what parts of you do not serve you anymore and hinder you in your Ascent?
See these things manifesting in a black, murky, filthy cloud in front of you and feed it with all of your fears.
Pump your hands open and closed and breathe quickly through your nose like a bull, creating tension and stress, sending signals through your body that this fear is real. Keep pumping your fists and stress-breathing throughout the visualizations of this step of the ritual.
What are you ashamed of in your life? What are you afraid of?
Feel the pain that you caused in others because you let yourself down, because you failed those around around. Maybe you feel like you don’t have enough. Maybe you feel like you aren’t good enough.
Imagine what kind of person you will become if you gave up, if you don’t have what it takes, if you fail and continue to fail and never step up and give your Ascent everything that you’ve got.
How despicable could you become, how useless and unworthy could you become if you stopped trying.
What will happen if your fears come true? What will happen if you just don’t have what it takes?
If you don’t embrace your Ascent today, and if you aren’t brave enough to face your own darkness, it will control you, and all of your fears will come to pass. You already know this to be true.
Take one deep breath and hold it. Hold your breath, tense all of your muscles, and feed your tension into the black cloud before you. Keep holding your breath as long as you can and feel what it is like to fail, to quit, to be beaten, to be defeated.
Breath out and release your obstacles into the cloud.
When you can’t hold your breath any longer, release every last bit of darkness in you toward the dark cloud by yelling the word: enough!
See and feel the cloud bursting and vanishing, all negating emotions drained from you.
The full-color grimoire contains all 72 tarot portraits, in-depth explanations, and the entirely unique Leviathan spread
Get 20% off the tarot deck & grimoire together
Step 4: Death and Rebirth
Imagine yourself sitting on the shore of a lake, tears drying on your face, and all of these conflicting emotions gone.
You can know that you don’t have all the answers or tools that you might need to do what you need to do. Who you are now might not have what it takes. You might already be defeated. You might feel like your powerless but that’s okay.
Continue to watch the lake and see a body of light manifesting in the form of person upon the surface of the water.
See it growing in power walking across the water towards you.
This is your future self, or your Godself. This you not as you are now but as you need to be.
This is the most perfect version of yourself.
The greatest version of yourself kneels before you and tells you what you need to know.
Let yourself go as your perfect version goes into you and merges with your being.
Imagine that you can feel your skin drying up, cracking and falling away.
Feel your entire body being turned into ash as the wind carries your remains away.
All that is left is your purest self, Black Diamond of immortality. The sulfur core of yourself is now able to build a new version of you, the you that is the most perfect version of yourself. Imagine your whole self being re-created in a more perfect form, flaws and old habits left behind, new strengths and insights installed into this most recent best version of you.
Embrace your Godhood and rise from the ashes of your former self.
You are reborn!
Talk again soon,
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Consider this adult knowledge, and not legal or medical advice. Use this newsletter at your own risk. Become A Living God is not responsible for your magick. This newsletter is for readers of age 18 or older only.