Subject: Beware This Beginner Mistake That Sabotages Your Wealth Magick

Your ruthless guide to performing demonic Money Magick for unlimited prosperity and abundance… Here’s my proven blueprint for building your own Infernal Empire from the trenches as a Master of Wealth.
E.A. Koetting    Conner Kendall    August 29th
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The World Domination Series, Spellbook 2
Beware A Beginner Mistake That Sabotages Your Wealth Magick Before You've Even Performed A Spell... This One Simple Shift Recalibrates Your Psychology To Attract Wealth Like A Magnet
E.A. Koetting
Lifelong sorcerer and author
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Hello Friend,
I’d like to share a priceless secret from my new release, The Wealth Magick Spellbook, live to order at midnight on the night of Monday, August 29th. This powerful spellbook constitutes the second volume of The World Domination Series, and features a grimoire by black magician and author Conner Kendall too along with mine.
Connor and I both give you all the wealth spells that have worked for us, spells that we know reliably bring abundance into one’s life.
The Simple Secret To Mastering Wealth Magick
I'd like to quote some pieces of the first chapter of my text with you, as it outlines and highlights the necessary mindsets and approaches that you need to have in order to really maximize Wealth Magick in your life.
In chapter one, called "Wealth Magick Mastery," I write:
These spells are simple, and I think that this is the single reason most people dismiss these practices out right, because they are just too simple to be so powerful. The human species has abandoned even entire organs, and we have adapted in the most miraculous ways, and witchcraft has been with us throughout the entire journey. I won't try to convince you of my message of your own omnipotence with logic and reason. However, instead, I will hand you the very fire itself, and it will be undeniable. Whatever situation you are in right now financially, it does not matter. These spells will work. Whatever your circumstances are, they do not matter. These spells will work.
With this arsenal of spells for abundance, prosperity, and even gluttonous greed, the result will be true certainty and true security in knowing that you always have the advantage if you take it. We are capable of much more than anyone has ever told us. Every spell in this book puts you in a seat of power previously reserved for only the elite. Out of darkness, we have risen. From endless death, we have escaped again, carrying libraries of secrets from the shadows into the light. This spellbook is not a simplified explanation of as many spells as I could find. These spells are the ones that I use above all others, because they always work. Magick gives you the tools to combine esoteric meta-philosophies with practical action that you can take right here and now.
The spells in this book will reveal opportunities that magnetically pull the energy of wealth to you, but most of all, magick will begin to change you so that you can become a person of limitless capability. Most of these rituals are extremely simple. In fact, the more complex and complicated you make your rituals, the more you're engaging the mind, the brain, and consciousness. Witchcraft bypasses the rational mind and interfaces with reality directly through the imagination, through your emotions and beliefs right to your opportunities and possibilities.
Abundance rituals and wealth magic have been practiced with remarkable success from before the Stone Age, before humans had first discovered and created the wheel. They were creating idols to help bring them a better hunt, to find resources, and to build empires in the future. Now, this knowledge and this power can be yours.
Again, I’m quoting this from The Wealth Magick Spellbook, which is completely packed with spells on wealth, prosperity, abundance, and influence. I walk you through the homeless drug addiction of my youth to the rise of my Infernal Empire as a black magician, and guide you through raising your empire too. So, I’m going to advise you to sign up and receive a FREE ebook chapter now, and I will see you at midnight Monday night, August 29th when it becomes live to order.
Let the world's most powerful black magician perform REAL magick for you, so you get REAL results. I will evoke demons to command REAL change in your life, and you can watch me perform it online.
You're going to:
  • Receive a 100% confidential email consultation first
  • Receive a proven, life-changing ritual designed for you
  • Dramatically increase results with love, money, defense, ascent & more
  • Watch a full video recording of my entire ritual online
  • Perform this ritual yourself to extend results at any time
Normally as high as $2,499, I have dropped my rate as much as 40% for any magick to help you take full advantage.
Click the button below to book your special ritual for hire and command new changes in your life right now.
Talk again soon,
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