Subject: BREAKING: My "High Gnosis" Experiences With Lucifuge - Revealed

Renewing Our Ancient Vows With The Demonic Gatekeepers
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Here's The ENTIRE Chapter Three Out Of My New Book, The Grimoire Of Lucifuge, Totally Free... You're About To Learn My Authentic "High Gnosis" Experiences With The Lord Of Pacts Himself
E.A. Koetting
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Editor's Note: this entails a free chapter, Inscribed Incantations, from Compendium of Lucifuge.
Hello Friend,
Every mythology where Lucifuge appears — whether it’s Lucifuge as the Scribe of Hell; Thoth, the Egyptian Scribe of the Underworld; Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods; Ningizzida, who makes the Tree right; or Quetzalcoatl — shares in common that he is the creator of the human soul. As a principle, anything that makes us different from other animals was installed into us by Lucifuge.
The largest, most definitive example of this is language. As has already been discussed above, words have power—both in mental meaning and sonic energy. Furthermore, this power extends also to the written word as binding spells.
In my own personal experiences with magick, I’ve noticed that if I really want something to happen, I need to write it in my journal. After I perform the ritual, I’ll get my journal or my grimoire out and I’ll record a few lines about what the ritual was for, what entity or force was called upon, what type of ritual I did, any specific insights that came to me, messages, and notes on the appearance of the spirit. Anything that might later on be useful in investigating what exactly happened in that ritual is written down.
Once I’ve written it down, I put it on the bookshelf, and I give myself silent permission to forget about the spell. I let the magick work. I give my mind permission to stop thinking about it, stop worrying about it, and get on with life.
I always thought that it was a simple psychological trick: that when we write something down, we hardwire into our brains that what we have written down is real, and that it’s important. This idea was drawn from the observation that we don’t normally write things down unless they’re true, or unless they are important.
That’s not really true, though, is it?
Especially as every child in the developed world learns to read, sometimes before they can even control their bowel movements, we now tend write a lot of things down, regardless of their reality or their importance.
Falsehoods are written, and lies are written, and jokes, insults, dogma, propaganda, et cetera.
I now doubt that writing has that "hard-wiring" effect as I had assumed. I question that now as Lucifuge instills into my mind, in my own awareness and my understanding, the true power of writing. In ancient times, before history, when men observed Gods as Gods, and walked and talked with them, we saw the Gods doing Godly things; chief among them was writing.
Behold the ancient Gods, whose images are preserved in stone. The Gods held scrolls. The Gods held tablets. The Gods kept immaculate records.
Like a cargo cult, we are doing that which we’ve seen the Gods do. We’ve learned a few of their tricks, and we’re mimicking them.
I tried to make exact sense of this, I tried to pinpoint the power of writing, but my mind could not solve it, so I turned to another mind, the mind that is credited for teaching us to speak and to write and to form our will towards the shifting of the impulses that shape reality.
Lucifuge spoke through me, to me:
What is written is that which has happened, or that which will happen. If these occurrences are within the mind alone, still, this is real. Commands are written. Orders are written. Names are written. If they are written and sealed with power, they will travel throughout the Megaverse.
First, it must be written; then, it must be seen; then, it must be sealed; and then, it must be released.
It may be inscribed upon parchment, upon wood, upon metal, but the best, the best, the best is upon flesh. As you inscribe your command on flesh, in blood, you inscribe your order upon the Will of the Lie, and it will bow before you if you have done the service: to inscribe, to see, to seal, and to release.
Inscribe, see, seal, release. Inscribe, see, seal, release. Inscribe, see, seal, release.
As Lucifuge’s words came through me, it didn’t feel like a demon hopping into my body at all, but it felt like massive nothingness, a gathered invisibility, a coalesced darkness, collected immediately behind me, tentacles like black solar flares suctioning bloated mouths to my back and my neck, feeding words into my mind.
The path that Lucifuge lays out is simple and it makes sense magickally.
1. Inscribe it.
Write down your command or order. Don't frame this as a request or a statement of what you would like. Instead, inscribe your command. “Wealth flows from the work that I am compelled to do!” As a society, or as the working class of our society, we've been conditioned to be far too polite. Rather than commanding, we ask politely. If you ask, you can be rejected. If you ask, you can be told 'no.' When you command, you are heard, and you are usually obeyed. When you demand in an emotional state, you are attempting to levy emotion against action, instead of call to action for the sake of action. Formulate your perfect command, and inscribe this with blood on flesh, or on parchment with black ink, or on a napkin with a crayon, if that is what you have to work with. Inscribe your command!
2. See it.
Visualize the outcome that you desire as if it is real, as if you are actually ‘seeing’ it! When I say ‘visualize,’ I don't mean to simply imagine it for a moment. I mean get lost in the vision of it, until you see it, until your eyes don't care about what you see in this outside world because you see your desire as clear as day, not only as if it is real, but as if it is the only thing that is real. This is what is meant by having an eye single to the glory of God, having an eye single to your purpose. This is not discussing the physical eyes, but this is discussing the sight: what you lock onto, what you’re focused on. You must see it.
3. Seal it.
The sealing of the command is done through the ritual, whether it's a simple ritual or a complex one. The ritual can be as simple as gazing at your command, seeing it happening as if it's happening, and pushing all of your will through your eyes into that sigil formed by words, and then breathing upon it to bring it to life. The sealing can also be done through blood. There's a popular ritual going around the internet called 'blood over intent.' The idea is simple enough: write your command on paper, smear your blood across the words, and put the paper away in the darkness. Lucifuge had a couple things to add to that:
When you use your blood in combination with inscribed words, this combines soul, mind, and flesh. Your soul and your flesh are combined through your blood. Your blood is the bridge between the flesh, the body, and the soul.
4. Release.
You have to let it go. This is the hardest part of magick for just about everybody: letting it go; but you have to. That is the necessary final step. Discharge all of your desire, all of your will, in the ritual, in the inscribing, in the seeing, in the sealing, until you have no more thought or no more desire for that outcome. Having shifted reality observed and observable, certain of the outcome, release all desire, all interest, all concern. It is done!
Inscribed Spells
You may experiment with the following spells so you can begin to develop your own omnipotent rites.
  • Smear your blood across a photo of the person you wish to control, with the exact command written across the target’s image. If possible, condense your command to a single word and issue it forth. If your command is a single word, then you can envision that command entering into the person's mind, their heart, even binding itself to their body. See it rooting itself into their bones. As this visualization crystallizes, smear the blood across the words, and across the photo.
  • You can also combine your blood with ink, which is to be used to inscribe magickal commands only. The best ink for this purpose is ink from the squid, which embodies many occult and chthonic properties.
  • You can also use your blood to make sigils, and chaos magick has an interesting application of this, in which you are to write out your command, remove all the vowels or all the consonants. (this detail changes depending on which Chaotian is asked, leaving me to assume that it ultimately does not matter which). Take the letters that are left and arrange those into the form of a picture, a sigil, designed not by the mind but by the intuition. Draw that sigil in blood - your own blood, or the blood of another: human blood would be best; the blood of any mammal will also work; the blood of certain birds, like doves; or fowl that are bred for eating. Never should you sacrifice a raven or a crow, for these are sacred to the darkness. These are Watchers and Guides. These are spirit of darkness in animal form. The best, still, is to use your own blood, or the blood of your enemy. Inscribe the sigil in blood, see the command taking hold of circumstance, push it forth with all of your will, and then release. Some Chaotians suggest masturbating while gazing at this sigil, the magickal release occurring concomitant to the sexual release.
Using a person's name is also a powerful way of influencing and affecting them through magick. Write their name in blood or even in simple ink. You can use it to bless or to curse
  • Write the name of the person that you want to affect, in your blood, in their blood, or with any of the blood extractions listed above. Take that inscribed paper in your hand, clutched in your fist, and hold it fist-face-down over a candle flame as if you intend to drop (release) the command into the flames. Envision the exact effect as if it is unfolding before you, now. Feel the heat rising up from the flame. Feel also the heat pouring down from your hand. In the center between the flame and your hand, a portal will open. You may discharge all of your desire, all of your will, into that portal until you have no more thought or no more desire for that outcome.
  • Write the person's name on paper, and then blot the name out as you write the curses, the exact things that you want to have happen to this individual, on top of the name, overlapping, overlapping, overlapping, in every direction until that name is blotted out. Then you may burn that in a candle's flame, or you may bury that in a cemetery, or at a crossroads. You may burn it and blow it into the air. Rid yourself of it somehow, and release the command to your infernal messengers.
  • Write the person's name on a slip of paper, and create a halo of empty space between the name and the blessings that you would like to cast in that person’s life. Again, you may burn this as a release, bury it to release it, or you may simply put it away. If you put it away, you're going to find it later, usually after the ritual is done, after the success has been manifest, at which point you can destroy it releasing fully the energies that you called forth.
While Lucifuge has directly shown and told me much, he has also guided my mind to the information I've needed, other Sorcerers and, in this case, Sorceresses, have also been guided to write, to speak, and to give me knowledge that I need. One specific sorceress that I must thank for some of the knowledge that I now hold about the use of blood magick, and specifically blood in this type of worded sorcery, is Sorceress Cagliastro. She is a true sorceress; I can feel it in her. I direct the serious student to her works for more detailed information about blood magick, blood over intent, and using blood in practical sorcery.
The Demonic Pact
The greatest spell of inscription is the Pact.
The first and most important point in making a pact with a demon, a devil, or with the highest pact-maker, Lucifuge Rofocale, is that the pact is for you.
The written words are for you. Write them in your own tongue, and take care to ensure that your written words are sincere, as you will be held to your pact.
If you do not intend to be held to your pact, your pact will not be held to. The devil that answers will toy with you, just as you are toying with him. If you are sincere, and if you make a pact with the fullness of your heart, with the fullness of your soul, and with a full intention of fulfilling your end of it, then the heavens and earth will move for you to bring about the full manifestation of your desires.
Meditate on how you can word your offerings to the spirits, and what you can offer to the powers of darkness that will in turn manifest the result that you want, and will be valuable to them on the other side. Remember always as you seek to become more like them, they are desperate to become more like you. As you seek to more about their world, they are clawing at the gates to try to get a taste of what is here.
They don't want simple burnt offerings. They don't want simple words of praise. They want works, action. They want you to do. What can you do that will be a glory to them and to you? What actions can you take that will push you towards your goal, while giving honor to their names?
I made a pact with Lucifuge years ago, for an excess of every pleasure in life, and I have been so blessed, so blessed. The sacrifices that I have had to give are no sacrifices at all. All of my wealth, all of my power, all of my resources are dedicated to the building of the Infernal Empire on earth. My pact and my oath was in itself a fulfillment of itself.
Most of the time, your first rendition of a pact is going to be rejected by the spirit. This is why you can't just make a pact and hope that the Devil thinks it's good enough. You need to know. Most of the time, three pacts are required. The first is rejected, often with recommendations for improvement. The second is rejected, often with a few points of fine tuning. Then, the third is usually accepted. You need to be able to negotiate the pact. When you call Lucifuge forth, present your pact and have a pen in hand to take notes. As he speaks, you receive.
Often, the devils you call will test you. They'll attempt to deceive you, and to lead you astray simply because they're not going to waste their time with fools. You are able to reject the pact as well if the demands of the spirit are not sincere, nor reasonable.
Bring your final pact before Lucifuge in the darkness, lit only by candlelight. Call Lucifuge forth, calling darkness to step forth from darkness, with a fullness of your will and with a wholehearted proclamation of your written commitment to your highest aspirations. Present your pact, already knowing that it is going to be accepted because you have been negotiating one-on-one with Lucifuge.
Present the pact, and he will sign, and you will sign.
His signature will be a signature that is visible only to you, and only in that moment. You must trace over this and trace over any signs that are impressed upon the parchment. Remember, the pact is for you; the written pact is for you, so this pact, with the Infernal Seal inscribed upon it, serves as a memento, a remembrance of the covenant.
A pact cannot be broken. As you sign it, sign it in blood, or trace over the signing in your own blood, binding yourself to your word, and it will be in effect forever.
Include in your pact the attainment of wealth.
Use your sorcery to become wealthy; there are good reasons for this.
Lucifuge spoke to me:
Money is power. Once you have obtained wealth, you can transcend greed. When money is no longer a concern, you can shift your focus from survival to purpose.
If you're working a regular job, and you're living paycheck to paycheck, what happens if that next paycheck doesn't come? Many of us have had that experience. You may not be able to eat. You may not be able to feed your child. You may not be able to keep a roof over your head. You may not survive.
You need to elevate yourself and add to your Ascent by securing enough wealth that you do not easily slip into ‘survival mode.’
Once you've transcended the need to survive, all doors open up for absolute fulfillment. In order to get there, it's not a simple matter of including a phrase in the pact to become wealthy. I did that with Azazel. I did that with Lucifuge. The wealth only flowed when both Azazel and Lucifuge insisted that I expand my vision, my definition of wealth.
At the time, I thought that wealth was the ability to pay for my two bedroom apartment, to put gas in my little beat up Nissan that barely ran, to be able to buy fast food that was making me overweight, shortening my lifespan, and shortening my health, my vitality, my vigor.
Expand your definition of wealth. If you could, what home would you live in? If money was not an issue, if money was no concern for you, what would you devote your time to?
Now go and do. Devote your time to those things, as if money is no concern, for you are shadowed by a cloud of infinite treasure, and it will seek you out as you do the work to build your Empire.
Begin to seek out the life that you want. Make your dreams real in your mind first, and then in your passion, and then in your actions.
Make plans and put them into action, certain that you will get what you want. See it as if you possess it. Turn your mind from the future to the present. Evolve your vision of what you desire from something that you wish you could have to something that you could have, to something that you will have, and finally see it as something as something you do have. Feel that it is something you already have. Release is in the peace that floods over you, knowing that you already have what you desire. It's already here. The need to survive is over. You now have an abundance. You now have excess. You can breathe easy in peace, and release.
Then the spell is cast. It cannot be overstated that your actions also must be driving towards those goals. If you think that you can simply cast a spell, and then sit around and do nothing, then you have no idea how magick works.
Magick flows through your words, your thoughts, your emotions, and most importantly, through your works: through what you do.
You have taken a body of flesh, of substance, for a reason. Use it. Work, and work hard. Become obsessed with your area of focus. The thing that you have set your eye singly on, become obsessed with it to the degree that you would sacrifice everything and everyone for it, if need be.
I presence and embody an obsession that is wholly unhealthy by modern standards in society.
I have accomplished more than I ever thought possible.
I have accomplished more than anybody ever thought I was capable of.
I'm obsessed, and I will not let it go until each milestone is had, and then I can release.
Through your inscriptions, empowered in these ways, you can concoct your own spells, you can tailor your own reality, you can become a Master, commanding the entire play from within the shadows, if you choose. --
Renewing Our Ancient Vows With The Demonic Gatekeepers
E.A. Koetting    Conner Kendall    New Moon Sept 28
Get 62% off this Pact with Compendium of Lucifuge
That concludes your free sample, chapter three, Inscribed Incantations. I welcome you to unlock the priceless black magick of this ENTIRE 12-author ultr-grimoire today.
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