Subject: Azazel SNUBBED Me In Ritual -- Here's Why

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Azazel Did NOT Answer A Ritual Summons I Performed Last Week... Nor Should He Have -- What Do You Do If A Patron Spirit Randomly Ghosts You? And Why Did He Snub Me?
E.A. Koetting
Hey Friend,
As the deadline approaches to get all of my written material in for the Azazel Companion that we're putting together and we'll be releasing at the very end of this year, I'm kind of crunching to get the last rituals in. I've been spending so much time with Azazel and with his right-hand man, Ant’harratu, learning so much from them.
There are still a couple specific rituals that I have to wrap up, that I have to get all my notes together on, my step-by-step ritual processes, so that I can compile all of this into my Grimoire, the Grimoire of Azazel, which is my contribution to the forthcoming Compendium of Azazel.
One of those rituals is the ritual of evocation.
In my opinion, this is where Azazel shines. This is one of the arts that he can absolutely teach you how to perfect, and so I would be remiss to not include an evocation of Azazel.
But, something unexpected happened.
I set the temple up, I got my ritual tools out, candles ready to go, and my Grimoire and a pen ready to take notes.
Usually, while setting up for a ritual, the energy of the spirit grows stronger, as it moves towards this plane knowing that it is going to be called.
But, Azazel just wasn’t there. I couldn’t feel him, at least not strong enough for me to perform an evocation.
Believe it or not, this kind of thing happens from time to time. I sometimes will find myself trying to do a ritual, but the energy just doesn’t flow. I just don’t “feel it.”
When this does happen, I know what I need to do. I need to take a step back and figure out what I've missed. As I did that with this ritual of evocation, I understood right away what I had missed.
I Thought My Connection
With Azazel Would Carry Me Through
You see, I have a connection with Azazel that goes back a very long time, and I had assumed that that connection alone would carry me through this evocation.
As I said earlier, I was going to do the ritual basically as a matter of course. Just because it's what needed to be done.
That's no way to approach, to summoning forth of a demonic lord into your temple! Nothing short of a full giving of one's full self to the evocation is going to yield results.
All of my passion, all of my focus needs to be honed into Azazel, and the thing that I have to ask of him, the tasks that I would like his help with or the knowledge I would like him to share with me needs to be brought into a fine point, into laser precision, so that is the only thing that I care about.
That is the only thing my mind will focus on. It's the only thing that exists in the moment of the evocation. Azazel and the task that I called him forth to put him on, and so even though I've done the preparatory immersion of getting to know Azazel and getting to know his system, diving into the various practices that he's given me, and as far as I'm concerned, becoming one of Azazel's own initiates. None of that eradicates my need to prepare myself and to approach this evocation with awe and respect.
I could have probably filmed something, I could have gone through the steps of the evocation, and I probably could have manifested Azazel because it is a system, and the system does work.
But it's also an art, and it's also a relationship, and when I can feel very keenly that I have more work I need to do, I can't neglect that.
This Is The Point Where Most Rituals Fail
This is the point where I think that most would-be magicians fail their rituals, especially a ritual as intense as an evocation, is in the preparatory process. In my book, Evoking Eternity, I laid out the elementary principles of evocation, the first of which is preparatory immersion. It's not just preparing yourself, but immersion, immersing yourself in that preparation.
This weekend, I'm going to spend my time meditating on Azazel, communicating with him, seeing how I can take this ritual of evocation to the next level because I'm not content just doing the same rituals and demonstrating them for everybody to see.
At the core, this is still my magic. This is still my exploration of my research, and if I'm half-assing it, I'm only lying to myself.
When I feel this delay, when I feel like I just can't feel the energies moving, rather than forcing it, I'll take a step back, evaluate what I missed. If I'm doing the ritual on behalf of another person, I'll contact them and see if there are details that have popped up or that they feel like they need to make me aware of, and, oftentimes, there are. In this case, it's a conversation that's going to take place between myself and myself and Azazel and myself.
Once you get into contact with entities like this, you are firmly immersed in a relationship, and as far as I'm concerned, it's a relationship with another entity, another being that is ancient and is very, very powerful, and that for reasons I'm still unfolding, has a vested interest in your development, so only the highest level of trust and the deepest level of respect is called for.
Compendium Of Azazel: Steal Fire From The Gods
Live At Midnight New Year's Ever
Compendium of Azazel becomes lives at midnight on New Year's Eve. Click this button below right now to receive a FREE eBook chapter in early November.
It features many of my favorite sorcerers and witches altogether in an unprecedented group-grimoire of Azazel: the Third Demonic Gatekeeper, Leader of the Watchers, and ultimate Scapegoat.
  • E.A. Koetting (me)
  • Kurtis Joseph
  • Asenath Mason
  • S. Connolly
  • Edgar Kerval
  • Bill Duvendack
  • Asbjorn Torvol
  • J.S Garrett
  • J.D. Temple
  • Frank White
  • Orlee Stewart
  • W.J. Oliver
Come along this magickal journey across the Nine Demonic Gatekeepers -- prehuman diplomats from Outer Darkness who ignite and accelerate human ascent right now, who have always helped humanity to awaken to their godhood. Unlock completely newly discovered black magick with these 12 grimoires. With it, you are going to learn:
  • Soul Forging: How to create actual souls
  • Wealth & Power: How to raise an infernal empire
  • Warfare & Weaponry: Infernal arts of annihilation
  • Glamor & Beauty: Rites of foolproof deception
  • History & Etymology: Truth about The Watchers
  • Demonic Hierarchy: Secrets of demonology
Arrange your calendar in advance to participate in this at midnight on New Year's Eve.
Talk again soon,
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