Subject: Asatru Isn't "Whites Only" And Voodoo Isn't "Blacks Only"

No... Norse Magick Isn't For "Whites Only" And Voodoo Isn't For "Blacks Only" - Transcend The Divisive Tradition Of Blood Purity, Remain True To Yourself, And Carry On With Your Ascent
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E.A. Koetting
I have authored eight cult classics and co-created Become A Living God where hundreds of thousands of magicians experience Ascent.
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Hey Friend,
Flashback to a year ago...
I unleashed my Haitian Vodoun course, and immediately was assaulted with something I hadn’t really anticipated: Racism.
That’s right, because I am a white man, I was told I wasn’t allowed to practice Vodoun, that the Lwa would never answer me because I am not black, and that white people could never really use Vodoun.
These annoyances quickly turned violent as death threats against me, my family, even my child were made by Haitian Houngans, self-proclaimed bokors with loud mouths and no balls, simply because of my light skin tone.
Let me repeat that: I received death threats because I am white, not because of the content of the course. I know this because it wasn’t even out for people to view and determine its value.
Now cut back to today...
As I have started unleashing the Viking Magick course, a number of Asatru, Odinist, and other Norse religionists have incited the hate, the threats, and the racism all over again... this time because they are white and feel that other magicians from other ethnic backgrounds should be blocked from having access to this magick.
I have now received hate from both black and white race purists.
The Plague Of Religious Racism, Political Division, And Tribal Psychology
The racists among us, whether they are black Houngans, white Asatruars, or Jewish Kabbalists, try to cover their overt racism by claiming that they are keeping the faith pure, preserving it from dilution from outside sources, and protecting it from those who would exploit it.
These are all lies that are used to prop up political power derived from division, which is just one of the many faces of an obvious in-group/out-group pack-mentality.
Let’s be honest: religion serves one major purpose in controlling the masses, and that is divisiveness.
If you can take a group of people and tell them that they are special for something they were born with and cannot lose, not based on their merits nor their accomplishments, then they consider themselves superior to everyone else by right of birth and by right of blood.
So you have the “in-group” and everyone else is the “out-group.” It then becomes okay to harm the out-group, as long as it benefits the in-group.
This is what religion is based on, and this is the root of all racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. It is not born of pride or of faith, but is a product of fear.
Any pagan group that fetishizes "blood purity" and "genetic initiation" does so out of fear.
Here's Where My Sword Draws A Line In The Sand
So here comes my divide: I view religion as toxic poison. This Viking Magick course has nothing to do with worship. Therefore, it confuses me as to why blood purists would think I care about their in-group. F*ck your in-group!
I am a black magician!
Loki worked with every single race. Loki worked with all worlds equally. Race wasn’t a concern for him, just like race isn’t a concern for me, and it shouldn’t be a concern for you. Because, on the day of Ragnorak, you put aside everything else and you ride into battle with those who will join you. When it really matters, ethnicity is the least important concern.
So whatever racial in-group you identify with, let’s leave that absurdity at the door, because it hurts your ascent.
Here's the reality: magick power is accessible to everybody. I don't say that as a platitude of social justice, but as a literal fact.
The Viking Magick Pathworking video course will be available on December 19th. Sign up now for updates, secret sneak-peeks, and even special pricing!
Talk again soon,
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