Subject: A Secret Ritual To Devour The Sun And Become A Solar Vampire

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Discover The Rare Magick Of A Star Vampire... Explore The Path Of Solar Vampirism With An Introductory Rite To Devour The Sun... Tap Into A Fountain Of Power For Ascent From Animal To God
N.D. Blackwood
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Hello Friend,
I am Vampiric Adept, N.D. Blackwood, author of Scholomance: The Order of the Dragon and Draugadrottinn: Lord of the Undead.
Throughout the whole vast shadowy world of ghosts and demons there is no figure so terrible, no figure so dreaded and abhorred, yet dight with such fearful fascination, as the Vampire, who is himself neither ghost nor demon, but yet who partakes the dark natures and possesses the mysterious and terrible qualities of both.
— Montague Summers, The Vampire in Lore & Legend
Once you have managed to stabilize a satisfactory state of presence or have become familiar with astral travel, there is a strange practice of High Vampiric Magick that can hardly be explained by any scientifical or rational methodology, but that has transformative effects beyond expectations. This is the Path of Solar Vampirism, also known as the Devourer of Stars.
According to ancient beliefs present throughout the entirety of European folklore, certain entities would have the faculty of feeding on the very essence of the stars, for purposes which remain mysterious to human understanding. This is particularly the case of Varcolacci of the Romanian tradition, which is said to rise in the etheric form of a wolf to feed upon the moon, or the wolves Skoll, Hatti, and Fenrir of the Germanic myths. In Lovecraftian lore, a rare few references to Star Vampires exist too. Within their initiatory novels, some followers of the sinister tradition in the United Kingdom tell that certain entities with whom they commune would live among the stars and feed upon them. Some perhaps have even been observed by ufologists.
During contact with Unknown Superiors, practitioners have shared accounts of journeys to other planets, other galaxies, and other dimensions, claiming that these beings were known there at times by other names by these foreign civilizations and species. On the frontier of magick, it is impossible to truly distinguish between enlightenment and madness, thus this knowledge remains open to further discovery by only the most pioneering magicians.
A ritual exists that allows you to project your consciousness into the heart of the sun feed on the energy nucleating there. This energy is said to perhaps be the purest, most intense that exists in the known universe, and to have a radically transformative effect on those who feed upon it. I personally cannot give a rational approach to this practice, or to make a detailed description of it, as the accounts of the experience differ uniquely from one practitioner to another. In any case, if practiced regularly, this form of feeding will change how you conceive the nature of life, reality, time, space, and of course, immortality.
The Ritual To Devour The Sun
Here is a powerful exercise allowing you to try this experiment. Start by getting out of your body using the method with which you’ve been most successful. It may be wise to pass time outside the body prior to undertaking this to strengthen the feeling of separation between the astral and physical bodies as much as possible. Similarly, you can astral travel to a sleeping victim and drain their bloodessence first, to strengthen your astral double for the journey to come.
Then, take off. Observe as you rise over the trees and houses. Watch the ground as you fly away without letting yourself be dizzy. At the beginning, you will be able to observe houses, roads, and surrounding neighborhoods. As you ascend, you perceive entire towns, villages, and forests. The more you gain altitude, you more you perceive the spheroid shape of the planet, seeing only the biggest features like mountains, continents, and oceans.
You rise above the clouds, and gradually enter the stratosphere. You are then able to see that the planet spins, albeit slowly. Driven by an eternal cycle, one side of the planet is always veiled in night, while the other is drenched in rays of the sun. Observe the planet from the skies.
Turn your gaze to the infinite space that extends above you. All is silence there. Yet there are winds from outer space, the contact of which you can feel through your astral body. Feel yourself floating in this immense void populated by stars. The one closest to you attracts your attention. This is our sun. Focus your attention on this large white disc. Your consciousness approaches it faster than the speed of light. In the great silence of space, you get ever closer to this great white star. You notice that on the Astral Plane, it does not appear to emit any heat.
Travel closer and closer to the sun, hover over it and observe its surface, covered with storm and eruption. In some places, the surface of the sun is covered with what scientists have given the name of sunspots. The largest of these are also observable from a telescope. They are regions of reduced surface temperature caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux that inhibit convection.
Piercing The Black Void To Drink The Essence
Place your attention upon a sunspot. Move closer until you are totally submerged inside a dark tunnel. Use this tunnel to travel into the center of the sun, until you find yourself totally submerged in the heart of a black core. Be there, remain there. Feel a rush of power coming out of this center. Feed from it. Drink from it. Feel its essence flooding inside you.
In the moment, you come to realize that this darkness is filled with myriad colors and stars. Through this black void, you see other star systems, other galaxies, and even other universes. By placing your attention upon one of these stars, you will be able to use the same process to travel to its center, and drink from its essence too.
When coming back to your physical body, you will bring a connection to this original source with you, with which you can nourish yourself.
Not much more is said about this practice, except that it is necessary to repeat it diligently to strengthen your connection to this source, which could be a fountain of great power for the evolution of a God in the making.
Devouring the stars will open a door to an array of primordial magic, in particular with the Great Old Ones, Dark Gods or Dragon Lords, briefly discussed in my first grimoire, Draugadróttinn, and whose study will perhaps be the subject of another book. To embark on the Path of Solar Vampirism and become a Star Vampire, study my new Scholomance.
You can place your order for Scholomance right now. If you include the complete experience called The Supreme Vampire, you receive the leather grimoire, uncensored 7-hour video course filled with interviews and ritual demonstrations, and The Dark Gift Ritual that me and E.A. Koetting will perform on the unholy Night of St. Andrew, November 30. You will also get 42% off to save hundreds for a limited time only. This giant discount expires forever on the night of the ritual. Click below to find out more.
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I believe in the Ascent of Man from animal to god. And I welcome you to join me in this historic mission.
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