Subject: A Priceless Piece Of Advice On Building Your Infernal Empire

Your ruthless guide to performing demonic Money Magick for unlimited prosperity and abundance… Here’s my proven blueprint for building your own Infernal Empire from the trenches as a Master of Wealth.
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The World Domination Series, Spellbook 2
"Do Whatever It Takes" To Claim Your Magick Kingdom And Defend Your Walls Against Invading Enemies... Learn The Maxim "Be An Absolute Monster, But Then Learn How To Control It"
E.A. Koetting
Lifelong sorcerer and author
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Hello Friend,
Today, I want to share a bit of a passage from The Wealth Magick Spellbook. I’m going to be reading from Conner Kendall’s portion. I was reading through his grimoire this morning, and I came across a subsection in Conner’s portion called “Success Shall Be Mine,” chapter 3, page 144. I’d like to share that with you now:
Enemies Trying To Invade Your Kingdom
During my younger years, casting countless spells and engaging in numerous black magick rituals to bring me whatever my young, little, black heart desired, I came to an understanding of the importance of success. In these earlier years I was working with some pretty dominant and extremely masculine forces. I was walking the path of the spiritual warrior and was opening the doorway to take my place on a throne as a conqueror.
It is true that the black magician who engages in these arts and sciences is indeed building their empire brick by brick. However, what often isn’t touched on is the fact that to build that empire, we may need to invade the personal kingdom of others. As a matter of fact, others will seek to invade your kingdom too. They may be rival enemies which you are aware of outside that empire. Even worse, those who are within your empire may be taking and throwing away the bricks which you place down.
I have met many magicians who disagree with this notion, they are practitioners of the Left Hand and the Right Hand Paths. There are two other thoughts to this, and I’ll break them down below:
Two Contrary Approaches To Success
One approach is the passive approach to success. Many in the Right Hand Path specifically believe in a more passive and gradual route to success wherein we aren't selfish, trying not to harm others in the process of building their utopia, which has no real place in the harsh world. The next is the path of ease to success. The other category believes that we shouldn't have to reinforce or be domineering over reality, that if the events which occur are not what the spirits or the divine have had in mind for us, then so be it.
I am of a totally different mindset, one which is more real and harshly truthful. The path to success in this modern world is often filled with loads of competition. People will either befriend or betray you, so they can claim victory. Others may be jealous, giving you false advice and swaying you from your path to success out of pure spite. Some people will literally manipulate, lie, blackmail, and even resort to violence.
I’ve personally seen women fight over auditions, men resort to battery over stealing opportunities from each other, and so much more. I am not claiming that the world is bleak and dark. It can be sometimes, but what I am referring to is the fact that life isn’t that black or white, and that sometimes what is essential is the essence of the warrior and the spirit of the conqueror within you do to what is necessary to succeed. Do not be the nice guy or nice girl who believes that through good manners and kindness that the universe will notice your good deeds and reward you, because it doesn’t work that way. Be an absolute monster, but then learn how to control it.
You Own Your Magick — No One Else
Thank you, Conner, for writing this and putting these thoughts out there, because this is very real. Not everyone's going to appreciate you. Not everyone is going to give you a thumbs up and pat you on the back for what you're wanting to do. In fact, the more important the thing is that you are engaged in, the more you can count on people standing on the outside, pointing and laughing, and telling you that you're never going to make it, saying “Why don’t you give up?”
When you don't give up, you see that these people get enraged. Here’s the truth of the matter, which is something that Conner is touching on and something that I know to be true too. Often, the only thing that's going to stop you, the only thing that has the power to stop you, is you. The only way that you can be stopped is if you quit. This is why the trolls, the detractors, and the haters out there do what they're trying to do. They're trying to get you to quit because they don't have the power to make you stop. They're not strong enough, they're not smart enough, they don't have the resources, and they don't have the magick to make you stop. But you do have the magick. You have the power to stop yourself in your tracks, but you also have the power to keep going.
You have the ability to do whatever it takes to do your will. There are people, weak, simple, terrified, and jealous people who know that the only thing that they can do to get you to stop what you want to do with your life is if they can make you quit. Never quit on yourself. Keep going and take from reality that which you desire.
Talk again soon,
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