Subject: 7 Deadly Steps Of A Baneful Curse

The 7 Deadly Steps Of A Destructive Curse... How To Harness The Power Of Angry Hatred To Exact Cold-Blooded Revenge Upon Your Target Enemy

I spend a good amount of my time every week on the phone or on skype with people who are trying to work the kinks out of their rituals, or to find spiritual solutions to their problems.  As I talk to them, I notice that I'll have the same questions present themselves several times in a narrow window of time.  I see this as a good indicator of the connectedness of consciousness, as dozens of people will be struggling with the same concerns at the same time.

Before I get too far into my most recent observation with this, I want to let you know that even though I'm possibly one of the busiest black magicians in history, I'm happy to set aside time to talk with YOU, and to work with YOU on finding the magickal solutions that will totally transform your life!

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What I've noticed is that nearly 80 percent of the people that I've helped in private consultations the past two weeks have asked specifically about curses.

That's right: curses!

People want to get revenge, deal out payback, and snuff out their enemies.  Most often, though, these people are in some way or another tormented by another person, and they simply need that person to disappear.  If their enemies happen to reappear 6 feet under the ground, all the better!

Now, I'm not going to get into the ethics of using baneful magick.  I trust that we're all adults and that we can decide for ourselves whether or not we want to take such extreme measures.  I'm not here to tell anyone what to do... I'm just here to help you figure out HOW to do it, and how to be great at it!

Your Conviction For Your Victim To Die Must Be Greater Than Their Desire To Live

The first thing that you should know is that in order to get a curse to work, your desire for the death of your victim has to be STRONGER than your victim's desire to stay alive.  Of course, most curses actually use this to your advantage, the powers of darkness literally eroding your victim's will to live.  Regardless of that advantage, you're going to have to put more of yourself into a curse than into any other type of ritual.

The second thing that you should know is that once you've placed a curse, there is no 'taking it back.'  You will have set into motion a series of events that cannot be stopped, so you're going to have to work through your feelings of guilt and your second-thoughts BEFORE placing the curse.

Lastly, it is very difficult and sometimes even impossible to control how the curse will work, or when it will work.  All that you need to know is that IT WILL WORK!  Sometimes it will work instantly, your victim dying within minutes of the completion of the ritual.  Other times, it will take some time... but in those cases, your victim will usually suffer unimaginably up until the moment of his or her death.

The Surprising Truth Is That ANYONE Can Perform A Curse That Triggers Terrifying Damage... This Is NOT A Joke

Now that we have those details out of the way, let me tell you exactly how to place an effective curse on another person.  This is so easy that anyone can do it, and can have terrifying results.

1. You should sit or kneel on the floor, giving you the freedom to move however may be necessary in the ritual.  Two black candles should be set on either side of you, one to the left hand side and the other to the right.  A piece of moldable wax or a clay should be ready for you to shape as an effigy of your victim.  A ritual dagger should also sit on the altar to your right.

2. Prepare for the ritual by centering yourself and focusing your mind on the objective of the ritual, which is the death of your victim.  Visualize your life without your victim in it, or you can even visualize them laying dead on the ground.  Try not to imagine the funeral, though, as that confuses the emotions.  What we're going for here is a raw, visceral, and disgusting imagining of their rotting carcass.

3. Oce you have set your intention clearly in your mind, begin the Operation with an invocation of the Powers of Darkness and a declaration of your intent:  "I summon forth the Powers of Darkness into this Temple. I call you here upon the wings of demons so that you will murder my enemy, (victim's name).  With swiftness, kill him.  Without mercy, kill him.  Without pity, kill him. (Victim's name) is my enemy, kill him.  Powers of Darkness, forces of death, enter this Temple so that you will murder my enemy, (victim's name).

4. Take the lump of clay in your hands and say, "By this image which I fashion in his likeness, kill (victim's name)."  Begin forming the lump of clay into a human form, and as you form the details of the face and the body, exaggerate the features that stand out most in your victim, such as a big nose, large or small breasts, a specific mole, a natural defect.  Remember that you're not trying to be Michelangelo, but you're just trying to make the piece of clay resemble your victim enough for you to make the connection to him or her.  As you sculpt the effigy, bring to mind the reasons that you are performing the curse, the crimes that they have committed against you. Feel your intent to murder and the causative emotions being pressed into the wax as your hands mold the shape of your victim.  You can also state these out loud, if doing so will bring your rage to the surface even more.  The power of this ritual is your absolute hatred, and the more intense you can make that, the more effective the ritual will be!

5. Take the dagger in your hand and begin stabbing, slashing, pounding, kicking, spitting upon, or in any other way desecrating and destroying your enemy.  Empty from you in this process all emotion, yelling obscenities and affirmations of the death of your victim as you go.  You will reach a point when you feel like the ritual might be complete, and you will consider concluding.  Do not. I guarantee that unless you are lying on the floor in a puddle of tears unable to move, there is still emotion left in you for the victim.  Continue your destruction of the effigy until you find yourself in this utterly drained state.

6. Once you have nothing left inside of you for the victim, call out, ìBy the Powers of Darkness, by this unholy Black Magick, (name of victim) is dead.  The soul of _______ has fled from its doomed flesh and the eye of death stares unblinking at ________.  By the Powers of Darkness, (victim's name) is dead.î  In completing the ritual, you will not have much energy remaining for lengthy conjurations and barbarous benedictions.

7. If you have indeed exhausted all of your emotions towards your victim, you will definitely fall asleep right after the ritual.  When you awake, not only will the demons that you have summoned already be hard at work upon the life force of your victim, but you'll notice that you feel a unique sense of calmness, of serenity.  To you, your victim is already dead... and all that remains is for their body to realize it.

It is important, as you go about your days after the curse, to not think about your victim, to not speak his or her name, to not wonder how they are doing.  They are long dead, and are impotent against you.  The less that you are concerned with them at all, the faster they will slip into eternal darkness.

Now, this is just one example of a powerful ritual that you can use to take control of your life and destiny.  You can use the same powers and the same methods to heal yourself, to help others, to open up opportunities in your life, and to begin building the kind of world that you've always wanted to live in.

To find out how you can start on this journey, check out my e-book, "Become A Living God" completely risk free, right here:

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And in case you've been living under a rock for the past few months, I've unleashed a brand new tidal wave of occult force into the world.

I'm receiving extremely positive feedback on a daily basis that occultists are loving my "Mastering Evocation: Omnipotence" course. In the 13-hour program, I show you EVERYTHING you need to beging performing evocation the point where you SEE and HEAR and FEEL the spirits manifesting in front of you, and all around you.

I give you the keys to opening the gate to the unbridled power of summoning spirits. Check it out right here. Watch my FREE video clips and highlights:

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I'll talk to you again soon!

Your friend,
E.A. Koetting

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