Subject: 4 Truths About Psychic Empathy

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The Truth About The Law Of Psychic Entanglement And 4 Telltale Signs Of Psychic Empathy At Work In Your Human Relationships

Hey Friend,

There’s an esoteric law that I’ve recently become aware of.  It’s not a new concept, but it’s one that most people never really pay attention to.

Until I realized what was really going on, I felt vampirized by everyone around me, feeling like I unreasonable owe everything to everyone.

Even more than that, I felt like nothing I did would ever be enough for those that I was doing it all for, and the harder I tried, the more the whole world seemed to resent me.

As soon as I was able to identify the problem, though, it was actually funny how easy it was to solve… and it’s embarrassing to recognize how the real problem wasn’t these other people at all, but I was causing my own suffering.

This Is Called "Psychic Entanglement"

What was going on is called “Psychic Entanglement”.

There is a saying among ancient Soul Travelers that says, “Where the mind goes, the Self follows.”

In the realm of Soul Travel, this means that your focus needs to be held singly in the mind, and when you exit your body you will automatically move towards that object, location, or person that you are visualizing.

This principles applies beyond the scope of Soul Travel, though.

Obviously, focusing on an emotion or idea is going to compel that to come to you, but when you do this same thing with other people, you can run into some serious problems.

You see, the people that you are focusing your psychic attention on have the ability to both receive and transmit psychic induction just as intensely as you are.

So when you invest your thoughts and your attention on others, they will at some level sense your psychic presence, and will react to it in some way.  Most of the time, this reaction is to merely dismiss the impression and do nothing.  Of course, none of this is occurring consciously, but is handled within the involuntary faculties of the psychic self.


Founder of Strategic Sorcery, and acclaimed professional author, Jason Miller, introduces black magicians to the psychology of employing execration magick to exhaust and paralyze your enemy.

Jason clarifies his views on when a curse is most effective, as well as how to counteract enemy attacks.

We are happy to feature Jason’s essay, “God Is A Bullet” in our upcoming Anthology of Sorcery, available May 21st. Click the image below to watch the interview right now:


What this means is that even if you’re not actively trying to interact in a magickal way with another person or other people, you are nevertheless still doing so, simply because of the nature of psychic human connectivity.

So, when you stay psychically engaged with people who are likewise becoming psychically engaged in you, this creates an energetic feedback system.

Initially, this psychic entanglement manifests as an alignment not necessarily of thought, but more an alignment of attitudes and behaviors.

As the untempered unfolding of a relationship’s psychic entanglement continues forward, you’ll find that indeed your minds DO tend to sync up to a degree.  You may even find that your schedules begin to align, and that you rarely engage in activity which does not involve the person you have become entangled with.

Where it starts to get troublesome is when emotions begin to sync.  Our Empathetic Selves will eventually accept the psychic entanglement as the new state, and will open to that other person, to feel what they feel, to become a true part of them, as well as the opposite.

None of this sounds so bad… when it’s viewed in the context of a relationship or friendship.  Instead, see if you can recognize any point in your life when you’ve seen this law at work just as efficaciously with your enemies.

4 Signs The Law Of Psychic Entanglement Is In Effect

Looking again at the signposts:

1. The cycle of psychic entanglement begins with repeated contact or attention, which, if reciprocated will seal the psychic entanglement into sure manifestation in some form. The momentum of the entanglement crisis itself is driven only by how often attention is given to both parties from both parties, as well as how much time and emotion are invested into them.

2. Both parties adapt to the intensity of the other, becoming increasingly invested in “winning” or in most cases of just coming away looking good.  Even though you are theoretically “at war” with these “enemies,” a lot of people notice that they end up learning quite a bit from the other side.  Of course, it takes a good amount of courage to be honest enough to recognize such.  So, by standing opposed to each other, you are essentially ensuring that you will continue to co-evolve together, and continuing to pull your once-divergent ideologies together into one stream of thought… even though you still may be pointing fingers at each other by the time there is no distinction between you and your enemy. 

3. Sometimes,  psychic entanglement with your enemies, your detractors, and anyone who stands in the way of your unfollowing, when it is allowed to infest your life with obsession, can be pushed to the point of absurd adjustments in your life.  You might find yourself investing time which could be utilized at work, at home, and on a good amount of your free time.  I actually have a really close friend who told me that he wakes up in the morning  every single morning, brews a cup of coffee, and then spends at least 30 minutes reading the lies that his enemies write and post and blog about online.  So, he’s serving himself psychic poison every morning with his coffee!

4. The syncing of emotions is interesting in both the positive and the negative relationships that we experience with people.  In the mostly good relationships, this sort of entanglement can easily lead to a sort of emotional borrowed-functioning.  In order for you to feel good, the other person has to feel good.  In order for you to be happy, you have to make sure that they are happy.  The unhealthiness of this should be blatant.  In a negative relationship, this is an absolute escalation of the counter-counter-attacks, which from this point can only move into hexes, curses, physical violence, or worst of all, legal disputes. Logic flies out the window at this stage of the game, and your psychic entanglement will drive people to the point of destroying themselves while in the process of destroying their enemies.

The real value of any of this is not found through analysis of the law itself, but is really when you realize how easy it is to sidestep.

The major loophole in this mutual human connectivity is that it must be mutual.  If any entangled person simply withdraws attention, intention, and even consideration away from the other party, the entanglement will weaken… as will their power over you.

You will find that pretty quickly, you’ve moved on to other areas of your life, and your supposed enemy has too.

If this is a loved one rather than a hated one that you are trying to detangle yourself from, it has to be done much more gently.  You have to learn how to be there and how to support and love your closest relationships, but to allow them their own freedom to manage their concerns as they see fit instead of making ourselves responsible for everyone around us, as if they are infants who can’t care for themselves.

In fact, parents have to learn pretty quickly that you just can’t pay attention to the negative, as doing so will only intensify it.  Marginalize the negative as much as possible, and celebrate the positive as much as possible, and you’ll find out that what you are manifesting in your experience of life can sometimes change dramatically.

Don’t seek out the opinions of those who despise you.  You already know what they think, but you may think that if you are given the opportunity, that they can change their minds about you.  This is rare.  Your enemies have already determined how they feel and are just as motivated against you as you are against them.

Focusing your attention on those who are working against you is a sure way of becoming psychically entangled with them, at which point every passing day brings more and more complications in severing these pathological bonds.  Worst yet, your valuable time, attention, and energy is being thrown away rather than being invested in things that actually matter.

So, do yourself a favor and ignore the silly nonsense, and see it for the absurdity that it is.  As soon as I learned to stop seeking out validation, and as soon as stopped searching for any lingering criticisms of whatever I am doing at the time, life suddenly got a lot easier, and a lot more productive. 

I hope that you might be able to utilize these concepts to get you over any remaining hurdles in your path!

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