Subject: 3 Ancient Meditation Techniques That Annihilate Anxiety

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3 Ancient Meditation Techniques That Annihilate My Anxiety & Depression In Less Than 5 Minutes... As Easily As Breathing, Learn How To Take Full Control Over Your Aura, Energy, And Emotions
E.A. Koetting
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Hello Friend,
I'd like to give you a few tips on how you can use simple meditative practices to bring your thoughts, especially anxious thoughts, fearful thoughts, or sometimes depressive thoughts down. You can actually drop mind and not allow your mind to be in control of your body, your emotions, and your spirituality. Instead, you can use your mind as a tool.
I have a tendency towards anxiety.
I'm a high energy person. I'm the type of person that usually has more energy than I know what to do with. What comes along with that is often having my thoughts spinning out of control. I will jump on the train of thoughts and just start asking myself questions like: how bad can things get? What else is going to happen next? How much more of this can I really deal with?.
When I'm not having struggles in life, when everything is perfectly smooth my energy works to my advantage. It becomes a power that I am using and pushes me forward in every aspect of my life. But as soon as the road starts getting a little bumpy, so does my mind. I start to fall into really being a victim of my own thoughts.
When My Mind Starts Spinning Out Of Control, My Aura And Energy Body Radiate Chaos
As I've had real world issues to deal with, I've noticed my mind spinning a little out of control. Soon after, it's not just the thoughts that are spinning out of control, but then my emotions start to get caught up in the process. I start feeling out of control and then my energy starts radiating chaos.
Every time this happens are times that I have fallen out of the daily habit of using simple meditative practices to take control of my mind.
1. Intentional Breathing - One of the first things that you can do to enter into a meditative state, is just to find a good place to sit and focus on your breath. You can do this at any point. You can do this while driving, while walking, you can do this while having conversations with people, even while having difficult conversations. Just sit and breathe. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth audibly, releasing stress as you exhale. Breathe in clean, fresh energy, and breathe out anxiety, depression, fear, sadness, anger, and resentment. Breathe in some more of that clean, fresh energy and then exhale. Within just a few intentional breaths, you will start to feel your state changing, elevating, your mind letting go of anxiety and depression and renewing your energy.
2. Meditative Gazing - Set a candle at eye-level an arm’s length in front of you and gaze into the flame. Allow all of your focus to rest in the center of the flame, and any thoughts or feelings that arise can simply rise and fall and disappear. You can give your mind permission to let go of all thoughts and all emotions by knowing that you can worry about them at another time, after the meditation is over. You will likely find that by the time you’ve finished the meditation, your mind has forgotten whatever it was worried about, or at the very least you will find yourself in a much more calm, clear state and will be better equipped to find solutions rather than fixating on the problems. All that is required is that, for five minutes, your eyes are fixed on the candle’s flame and that you don’t entertain any distractions, and you can simply let them go.
3. Mantra Meditation - Choose a mantra that you will use each time that you meditate. Some simple suggestions are “Aum,” “Om,” “Sat Nam,” and “Soham Akaal,” although there are countless more that you can easily find. Avoid obsessing over the meaning of the mantra, and instead just lose yourself in the sound of the mantra. Inhale deeply, and as you exhale let the mantra flow out of you. Inhale, and again repeat the mantra as you exhale. With each repetition of the mantra, allow your voice to become softer and quieter, until the mantra is silently continuing in your mind, and then even quieter until even the mantra disappears and your mind becomes totally silent. When a thought or emotion surfaces, gently turn your attention back to the mantra and allow the interruption to fade away.
All You Need Is 5 Minutes Of Meditation To Calm Anxiety, Soothe Depression, And Take Full Control Over Your Thoughts & Feelings
I suggest that you begin meditation as a daily habit for only five minutes. Every single one of us will blame a lack of time for not meditating, but surely you can take five minutes out of your day to invest in something that will instantly calm your anxiety, soothe your depression, and give you full control over your own thoughts and feelings. What you'll find is that after five minutes you are not ready to give it up usually. Especially after a few days of meditation, a few days of this discipline, the five minutes will pass, the timer will go off and you want more because there is real value in letting go and taking that time out of your busy schedule to just be.
You can use any of these alone, or you can combine them by gazing at a candle while intentionally breathing while giving the mantra as you exhale.
The mantra or the point that you're gazing at, the candle's flame of the dot on the wall or a fixed point inside your mind, or the breath coming in and out, these act like nets that you are throwing over your thoughts and just bringing them down. You don't have to think these thoughts. You can worry about those thoughts at another time, but for the moment in the meditation, you can simply let go.
Let go of all thought, let go of all feeling, all emotion.
You can even let go of physical discomfort because as I'm sitting in this posture or if I'm kneeling, especially, I'll start to feel cramps in my legs. I'll start to feel a jitteriness in my body, and I can just relax a little bit more and just let go.
In all cases where I find myself in a panic, when I find myself feeling anxious, when I'm scared or angry, when I find myself reacting to circumstance, reacting to situations, the only way out is to drop mind.
You’ll often find that mind is creating that anxiety, mind is creating a reality that may not even be real, that may not even exist at all! Our minds can create scenarios in our heads that sabotage our growth, our Ascent, or just our ability to live our lives peacefully and to enjoy every moment of our lives.
Through daily meditation, we can take control of our thoughts, emotions, and our circumstances, and all it takes is committing to a simple five minute meditation daily!
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