Subject: Technique Tuesday - Herringbone adventure starts now!

Hello Happy Beaders!

As planned here is a new Technique Tuesday handout. Today we start with the Herringbone Stitch. I am taking it nice and easy so that you can gain a through understanding of this stitch. I suggest you first practice with 10/o delicas or size 8/o beads. After you fee comfy with the start and a couple of rows... do some experimenting. I'd love to see any results... When you feel ready try different sizes.

It is a little bit of a loose stitch so if you have been doing peyote, this will feel different.

I mentioned that you can use thread or fireline. Many of you who know me know that I mostly use thread. They each have their own characteristics, and I feel it is important to know how to use both. If you have only ever used fireline switching to thread can be a little strange. You have to stretch the thread to take out the curls, and you need to have good stitching techniques. Ways of holding your work so you don't pierce you thread. I will probably do a whole Technique Tuesday on the differences and how to work with. But for now use or try what ever you like. Please Please if you are new just take some time to practice...Next week we will add to this lesson!


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