Subject: Thank God It's Friday!

Thank God It's Friday!

Fun Fridays with solar energy....

John was nervous about the dinner date he had planned with his girlfriend, Lilian. He goggled the internet and made sure he had everything for the night, including wines and romantic candles.

At exactly 7pm, Lilian arrived at the apartment gracefully and they all sat by the dinner table. “Oh you got my favourite wine!” Lilian exclaimed as she glanced at the wine bottle.

Instantly, the light went off and the only thing that lighted the room was the candles.

“Oh my God… I’m so sorry. I know how much you’re afraid of the darkness but we don’t get power outage till 10pm. I’m surprised this is happening” John said quickly as he stood up to get a lamp.

“Babe… why haven’t you gone solar?” was Lilian’s response as they held each other’s gaze in the dimly illuminated room.

Are you like John? Don’t ruin the fun, Go Solar today!

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