Subject: How to achieve a stress less weekend....


Bimbo and Jess visit one of the finest restaurants on the island for their Friday lunch routine.

Bimbo says to Jess, “I’m glad the weekend is here already, it was a really productive week for me but I really need to rest”

“Good for you” Jess says, I can’t say the same for myself, because the expenses that comes with spending two whole days at home, is not something I look forward to.

“What expenses?” Bimbo asks her colleague turned friend.

“My dear, there is barely light o I have to run my generator for two days, fuel bill on me, the stress of turning it on, then the noiseeeee! It’s impossible to rest properly with all of this.”

“Ahn ahn, Jess!!!!! Why have you not gone solar??? How can you be adding all this wahala to work stress and the stress of living in Lagos?”

“Babe, is solar not expensive?” Jess asks

“No dear it’s not, especially when you contact BASSCOMM Energy, they even have effective payment plans to ease off your financial stress, you should contact them right away.”

Be like Bimbo, Choose to have a stress-free weekend, Choose Solar, Choose BASSCOMM Energy …

Contact us today for all your solar needs

Phone: 09037756555
