Subject: Members Only: Print Media on Trade?


Targeted Advertising ON BARTER!!!!!


Hi Friend,


Would you be interested in advertising in the local neighborhood magazines?

Examples: South Ft. Collins Neighbors, Timnath Neighbors, Greeley Neighbors. These are targeted, specialized full color magazines that go to specific afluent neighborhoods and home-owners.

As you know, with marketing, it's about Reach and Frequency. You need to be touching your IDEAL customer through targeted specific reach. And, you need to hit them a few times (frequency) so that when they have a need, they think of you!

I would love to know how many of you would be interested and could commit to 2-3 months, for this advertising ON TRADE! And, which magazine would you love to be in??

Hit REPLY and let me know!


Blessed trading,

<>< Susie Larson



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