Subject: It's Called Pivoting...

A Few Changes...

Some of you know a lot about me…


You know that I’m an entrepreneur, a single mom, and trying to be there for my aging parents. 


You also know that I’m good at seeing things as they are and pivoting where needed.  I’ve never been one to practice insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  That’s foolish.  And as entrepreneurs, we fight the good fight, until we just can’t anymore.


I have some exciting news that is going to be fantastic for our Barter West membership too. I’ve accepted a full-time position in the Economic Development department with the Town of Windsor.  I’m excited for this new opportunity, and the new adventure.


This will reduce my time available to grow and manage Barter West. However, I’m not leaving Barter West members high and dry.  You’ve all been fantastic at supporting this cause, trading with each other, and building some valuable friendships.  The platform will continue with a lowered fee structure. I'll send out the details in the next week.


The new fee structure will take effect for all new enrolling members immediately.  For existing members, this will take effect between now and by April 1. It will take me some time to update everyone’s records. Sub-Accounts (for employees) still remain fee free.


**I am not a tax accountant, or give tax advice, but just remember that according to the IRS, business income and expenses (& fees) in barter are treated exactly like cash.**


When was the last time you logged in to see the Membership Directory or the Marketplace? Take advantage of the opportunities to save your cash, travel, and help other small business owners continue to serve their communities.  When we trade with others, we are serving our fellow entrepreneur, and helping strengthen our entire economy and community.  The Barter West platform, and its membership essentially belongs to the members.   You can make it what you want to make it.  Want more members to trade with?  Invite them to join!

We have several adveritising opportunities!

$100 Cash, and 125 Trade for each 1/4 page ad

We also have a few full page opportunities.

Reply to this email to hold a spot in the BeLOCAL, and I'll supply you with all the details.

Current Listings

Blessed trading,

<>< Susie Larson


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