Subject: Taking Care of You

Adventist Women Leaders
November 26, 2018 ♦ Issue 11
Taking Care of You
When I ask women to tell me what they do for self-care, I usually hear answers that include manicures and pedicures, massages, shopping, or going out to dinner. But self-care is much more than that.
As women, we are always rushing to care for others. We are raised to do this. As little girls, we are given baby dolls to hold, feed and clean. We grow up and we’re expected to take care of our significant others, our children, our friends. As leaders, we have so much to take care of each day at our workplaces, our classrooms, our churches, and our communities.
Self-care allows us to be more compassionate, genuine and authentic leaders.
It can get overwhelming.
Self-care allows us to be more compassionate, genuine and authentic leaders. It liberates us from the voice in our heads that tells us that we are too broken to be God’s hands and feet in this world.
I’m starting by practicing gentleness as I learn to care for myself. I’m opening up more time to spend meditating on God’s word. I try to get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise. I set up boundaries around answering emails and phone calls. I sometimes do the fun stuff like the mani-pedis with friends, but I am learning that doing the hard stuff is just as important: budgeting, letting go of toxic relationships, making time to go to a counselor/therapist, relinquishing control to God in the spaces of my heart that are in desperate need of restoration.
We can’t give to others what we don’t have. Pouring into ourselves before we pour out to others—that is self-care.
— Natalia López-Thismón, assistant professor, Southern Adventist University
Editor's Note: Please share the lessons you have learned on your journey as a leader. Email us at
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22, New International Version
AWL's Prayer Circle
This week we are praying for:
Tonya Anderson
Vice President of Finance
Central States Conference
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AWL is a community of women affirming, encouraging, and celebrating God's goodness to those He has called to lead.
AWL Organizers: Debra Brill, Tamyra Horst, Ann Roda, Celeste Ryan Blyden
Newsletter: Michele Joseph, managing editor, Carla Conway, graphic designer
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