Subject: Connecting in Kenya

July 23, 2018 ♦ Issue 2
Connecting in Kenya
Recently, LaTasha Hewitt, communication director for Allegheny East Conference, and I traveled to Kenya to speak for the East-Central Africa Division's second ASI Convention. While there, we hosted a brunch for women leaders whose stories touched our hearts.
Among the 10 women (pictured above) were an evangelist and division director, an ASI chapter president, a university administrator, a retired government auditor and several who have earned doctorates. Over pancakes, porridge, prayer and tea, we shared stories of our journeys in life and leadership; the many roles and responsibilities we juggle; and how God is our source of sustenance and strength. 
"We live and serve in different parts of the world, but we have so much in common."
Margaret Mutero, wife, mother and director of human resources at the Adventist University of Africa in Nairobi, said Proverbs 4:23 keeps her grounded. Yetunde Odeyemi, technical adviser for ADRA Africa, testified about God's miraculous answer to pray for a long-awaited child. Debbie Maloba, director of the divison's women's and children's ministries departments, talked about the evangelistic series she conducted in her home country, Uganda. The event yielded dozens of baptisms. 
The East-Central Africa Division is now the largest of the 13 divisions in the Seventh-day Adventist world church. Its 4 million members in 11 countries, including Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia and Ethiopia, make up 20 percent of the entire global Adventist population of 20 million members. 
What an unforgettable experience and discovery that, while we live and serve in different parts of the world, we have so much in common. And now we are connected. 
— Celeste Ryan Blyden, Vice President for Strategic Communication, Columbia Union Conference
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
Proverbs 4:23, New Living Translation
AWL's Prayer Circle
This week we are praying for:
Rhonda Karr
Iowa-Missouri Conference
What's Your EQ?
You will soon have an opportunity to participate in an interactive learning experience on Emotional Intelligence, aka, EQ. The ability to recognize, analyze and respond to how we think, feel, act and relate to others accounts for 80 percent of our success. Let's talk about how to use emotional intelligence to foster better personal and professional relationships and become more effective leaders for God’s glory! Stay tuned.
Coming up
A special invitation just for you!
AWL is a community of women affirming, encouraging, and celebrating God's goodness to those He has called to lead.
AWL Organizers: Debra Brill, Tamyra Horst, Ann Roda, Celeste Ryan Blyden
Newsletter: Michele Joseph, managing editor, Carla Conway, graphic designer
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