Subject: Replay on Story Structure Posted!

Replay up for "How to Choose a Story Structure" training!
Hi Friend,

Happy Friday!

As a group member perk, you get access to the story structure training I did Wednesday!

Here you go!

The replay and the course materials have been posted to a password-protected web page.

We've also got a transcript of the live training underway, and we'll post it as soon as the transcriptionist gets it back to us.

Here's how to access the replay and your course materials:

Go to:

Password: ThisIsYourJourney

(no space between the words, and capitalization matters)

On another note, there's one more week to go in March. 

How are you doing with your writing goals, intentions, plans, progress, etc.? What can we do to support you? What can you celebrate, acknowledge, cheer? 

Every little step counts. 

Share your thoughts and reply in the Facebook group here: (There's a cute Leo the Cat pic for you there too!)


Here's some posts I've shared from around the 'net recently:

On Evoking Emotions in Our Readers

A useful look at evoking emotions in readers in our fiction. Your thoughts in these techniques?

(My post here.)

"16 Signs You’re Not Actually An Introvert, You’re A Highly Sensitive Extrovert"

I think I might be a highly sensitive extrovert. No. 14 resonated a lot! LOL How about you?

(My post here.)

On Writing Book Blurbs

(My post here.)

Handy Links

Go here for the prospective course list for the rest of the year. Subject to change.

Go here for the calendar of all the group calls for 2017-2018.


Let me know if you have any questions, request for clarifications, or suggestions. Business hours are generally: M-F, 9-5pm PT.

We're here to help you craft a successful and sustainable career as a novelist, so that you can inspire the world with your stories.


Hugs and love from us! (and Leo The Cat!)

Beth & Ezra
Bring Your Questions & Your Curiosity to the Group!

We're here to support your success!
My message for you today: 

Breathe in the wow of your life. It is a gift.
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, 94611, Piedmont, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.