Subject: Celebrate How Far You've Come + Upcoming Special Webinar

Celebrate How Far You've Come + 
Upcoming Special Webinar
Hi Friend,

It's not quite the end of the month, but we're getting there, so I'm checking in with a reminding to refresh or state what you'd like to accomplish or experience (or both!) by the end of August.

Post your thoughts here:

More question prompts below.

Part of growing as a writer is to realize how far you've come since you started your journey.

One opportunity to do that will be tomorrow at our Special Webinar on Essential Plot & Character Tips that Ezra and I will be giving.

This free event, open to all, is the launch event to bring in new people to the school, starting with our October course, Plan Your Novel. (You're welcome to join us at the big discount of $20 at the DIVE IN level. More details below.)

Sign up here to join us tomorrow and please invite your friends, colleagues, fellow writers, and help spread the word. If your friends have been wondering where to begin, this webinar is a great place.


Monthly Goals: August 2016

If you haven't already, share your August goals. Here's some questions to get you focused.
  1. What are your author career goals for August, in the categories of Writing, Editing, Marketing, Publishing, Other, all of these or one of them?
  2. How would you like to feel by the end of the month?
  3. What would you like to say you've accomplished?
  4. What experience would you like to have by month's end?

Post your goals and plans in our Facebook group here:

Sneak Peek at What's Coming for August, September, and October

Mark your calendars for some fun, free webinars as we gear up for our October 2016 Plan Your Novel course, in preparation for NaNoWriMo! The sign up pages for these webinars will be going up soon.

Tuesday, August 23, 5-6:30pm PT/8-9:30pm ET (next week!) Sign up here: 

Tuesday, September 27, 5-6:30pm PT/8-9:30pm ET

Our Annual Course: Plan Your Novel
October 1-31, 2016 
A live, facilitated course

Sign up here:

Be sure to use your special group coupon for your discount for $139 off! So, DIVE IN for $20, And ALL IN for $160. COUPON: MEMBER139

A group member you'll get a heavily discounted pass. And, you already have access to all the material. :)

Tell your friends! Thanks!

Mark your calendars! It will be a fun class!


Let me know if you have any questions, request for clarifications, or suggestions. 

We're here to help you craft a successful and sustainable career as a novelist, so that you can inspire the world with your stories.


Hugs and love from us! (And Leo the Cat!)

Beth & Ezra
Leo says hello! Watch the short video here: (In our FB group)
City art in Oakland. Love those ladybugs!
Bring Your Questions & Your Curiosity to the Group! 
We're Here to Support Your Success.
My message for you today: 

Look at how far you've come. Feel the distance you have traveled. Hear the congratulations. Smell the freshness of the journey. Taste the sweetness of accomplishment.
Barany Productions, 771 Kingston Ave., #108, 94611, Piedmont, United States
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