Subject: How to inspire him to meet your needs

Lots of women in my world are extremely high powered.

And big energy women have specific concerns about their love lives.

I get questions like these:

“How do I get my wants met and also not trample the man in my life?”

“I’ve been told I’m controlling and I know I am-- but how do I actually get my needs met without alienating the man in my life?”

“I give and give and give but I don’t get anything back. What am I doing wrong? I thought men liked it when you give to them.”

And the answer I give usually comes as a surprise. Here it is:

You need to start being more selfish, not less.

You can be less controlling when you’re more self centered.

You see-- I don’t usually have to tell women to be less selfish.

Most of the time, I have to tell them to be more selfish.

But not in the negative way everyone else seems to think of selfishness.

This whole concept goes against all our good girl programming most of the time.

That’s because when you’re putting yourself as your own number one, you don’t have to reach around and get the men in your life to follow suit and do what you want.

Because you’re already doing what you want.

You’re not looking for a man to give you anything you don’t already have.

Then, oddly-- you’ll notice the men start lining up to give you stuff.

It’s a paradox. You can’t deep down feel needy and get the kind of attention you want consistently.

They’ll eat you for lunch, treat you like an object and generally drive you crazy.

You will probably still get male attention, but it won’t be the kind you actually want.

If you’ve ever gotten that “put upon,” annoyed response from a man who you actually wanted to spend more time with, you know how bad it feels.

...Or had him paw you for intimacy you weren’t ready to give but worried he expected...

Because that’s how masculine energy works-- whether it’s yours (because you have lots of it) or it belongs to the man in your life.

You have to honor your feelings first and stick to it.

And let everyone else tend their own garden.

This does a few things:

First, it keeps you from acting like a martyr. Which is universally unattractive, no matter who is doing it.

Next, you stop mentally tallying up things you do versus what he does for you.

It frees you up to give from a place of genuine joy-- and also frees you up to not give.

Because, contrary to popular belief, giving is actually a masculine energy action. 

Which I talk more about in the Secrets to Understanding Men No One Tells You here:

>> Get all the details here now.

Anyhow, when you put yourself first, unfailingly and all the time, then you’re free to truly enjoy a man’s company without requiring him to provide or be or do a certain thing for your approval.

You’re already taken care of.

And you get to actually decide whether you enjoy his company instead of hoping for something from him.

Whether that “thing” is marriage or a lunch date-- doesn’t matter.

When you genuinely do this consistently, you’ll find that men go out of their way to give you their attention from a genuine, happy and positive place.

Because he won’t sense the threat of your expectations.

This can only happen when you’re already satisfied with them because you’re no longer operating from a place of lack.

To find out more about how to magnetize a man, check out The Secrets To Understanding Men No One Tells You.

>> Get all the details and register here now.

Talk soon,
