Subject: ART/ATT Update March 14th, 2019

Advanced Robotics Tech (ART)


General Update

Just a quick update to let you know the status of things.

Right now our focus is on the following which all in fact related:
  1. THE BIG MOVE: We are moving off the Reservation where we have our servers and have installed our own solar energy system in our new location. However, the move is not progressing much due to the continuing bad weather in the North East of the USA. Until this move is completed and all systems tested (some testing is happening now to save time) all our trading systems from AMFX Pools to our BAs are essentially in a kind of NEUTRAL MODE. So, the MOVE is #1 Priority right now while we work on Plan B in tandem and work with our Singapore partners. Where is 'Global Warming' when you need it. It seems more like an New Ice Age for Jack!
  2. PLAN B - What is Plan B? Well, let me explain as we decided to just let you know what we are working on. Essentially Plan B is about the process we are engaged in to set up our OWN BROKER so that we can have DIRECT access to Liquidity Providers and MORE CONTROL over the fees. As I mentioned before, the issue with the bank losing us money through their proven error, it opened a door for us to fast track Plan B, becoming a broker. So, THAT is what Carlos is focused on daily between keeping track of trading and doing testing to get ready for the BIG MOVE as soon as the weather permits.
  3. SINGAPORE: Singapore has been trading since January 21st, 2019. However, they too are trading in Neutral Mode which means they are making gains but they are not enough to show a good track record to their potential clients. So, Singapore is waiting for the move to complete and trading to normalize before bring in the next several millions of dollars into their account. Once this happens we are off to the races and every month of track record we build with their account will help them bring in the capital they are targeting. We are talking about creating a new entity where we fully partner up with Singapore. That will leave us to focus on the trading systems and let them bring in the capital, a match made in heaven. :)
AMFX Diamond Back Office

Since without revenue we have no real budget to spend on the back office right now apart from minor work and adjustments and maintenance.

So, we are not putting much energy into the site right now until we see some cash flow. Without cash flow and imminent revenue share any work on the site is just an exercise in 'appearances' as opposed to SUBSTANCE.

Instead we will be putting our energy into the three points noted above as nothing really moves until at least #1 is done and #2 and #3 in combination will put all of us, including Diamonds, on a track to finally start earning some serious and growing income from this long and bumpy road we have travelled.


Remember, we are not giving up because the potential here is so great. We could just sell this to a willing buyer, pay all the Diamonds off, pay ourselves, and move on. And, we DO have someone willing to buy it who has the capital to do what we are trying to do without the capital.

But, we are not there yet. We are going to push this as hard as we can until we have no choice but to sell and pack it in. So far, we don't think that is going to happen. We are VERY close now and with our Singapore partnership we believe will have the needed capital and complementary skills to take this to the world market, the market that is happy, rather ecstatic about the prospects of 30% + a year which we can deliver with VERY LOW risk.

So, as long as we are here we are working on getting this project where it needs to be and the cash FLOWING.

Once I have more news I will send out another update.

Just know, no daily updates does not mean we are not working on this daily. It is VERY busy on the admin side of this equation and we are determined to succeed and make this worthwhile for everyone.

Until next time...
TO GET PAID, IF you have not done so already, please make sure you have set up your AMFX profile:

User: aliciabot
PW: aliciabot (password before registration)

Diamonds will likely be paid revenue share to their Bitcoin wallets in AMFX. 

Get registered, or you don't get paid. 


Wayne Nash

Advanced Trade Tech/Advanced Robotics Tech (fastest and surest)
SKYPE ID: wnash2004