Subject: Friend, would you mind sharing this for me?

People have said there must be something in the soil here on the north coast of Ireland...

There are so many creative people and projects always bubbling up. 

Denise  is one of those folks. 

She has this amazing ability of unlocking the creative potential in children and in particular kids who might otherwise be overlooked. You can hear about two of these young folk at the 50 second mark of the video here

Anyways, her organization, Barazina, is currently recording songs that have been co-written and performed by the children and I'm doing all I can to spread the word.

These songs change lives!

Would you mind sharing their KickStarter project on your social media?

Simply go here and click the share link below the video - every share really helps them with the project.

Of course she'd be delighted if you wanted to support the project too - but no pressure! Here's the link again -

Cheers - Andy
PS - On another subject I'll write shortly about a subscriber 3 for 1 deal on the Cave Sessions but in the meantime check out what these kids are doing - it's epic!