Subject: Friend something historic happened here in Ireland today 🎥 [video]

For the first time in history over 300 churches and Christian organisations from every county on the Island of Ireland have joined together to sing an ancient Irish blessing.

The very first sound you hear on the recording at the 0.03s mark is the 'Stringer Bowing Machine'.


It's the instrument you'll see me playing at the 0.35s mark alongside my mate Brian Houston from Belfast as he sings the opening vocals.

The Irish Blessing Video

If you've been following the Cave Sessions project you'll remember this as the instrument that we invented from an old Singer Sewing Machine (hence the name) in order to create the sound we (producer Stu Reid and I) could imagine in our heads to express some of the emotions of the Cave songs.

Anyways, enjoy The Irish Blessing.

Bless ya!


PS if you want to share this directly from YouTube here's the link - 

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