Subject: Friend, it's Ho, Ho, Ho! in 24 hours

According to the Post Office this week sees the deadline for posting to the far flung corners of the planet.

So without further ado let me tempt you with an offer you can't refuse ;-)

You can have any or all of my CDs 2 for 1 - yep buy one get one free!

So that's all your stocking fillers sorted then… but only if you order by Wednesday midnight because I need to get wrapping and running to the post office on Thursday!

Here's the link to the offer: Andy Rogers Music Everything 2FOR1 Offer

Thanks again for being a subscriber and your interest in what I do - I really appreciate it.

Cheers - Andy
PS - After all the madness has subsided I'll be sending you a video blog about what happened during our recent trip to the refugee camps in Greece - very profound! Keep an eye out for that soon.  

PPS - Thank you if you've ordered - the elves are working on it already!