Subject: Friend, here's a new song for you for these days...

So this simple 'promise' song emerged out of Psalm 91 which seems to be relevant for many folks these days

I hope this finds you well and safe.

I wanted to let you hear the first incarnation of a song I had been working on even before the current pandemic lockdown kicked in.

I realise this season has affected all of us differently.

For some it has made life more intense and challenging (I'm thinking of good friends in the health service and 'frontline' jobs), and for others like me it has brought more space and quiet (no live public gigs, events and travelling).

And, one of the things that 'space and quiet' has facilitated is the return to some spiritual disciplines like singing the psalms and my prayers.

So this simple 'promise' song emerged out of Psalm 91 which seems to be relevant for many folks these days.

Have a listen, leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts and how you are doing.

Thanks so much for your support these days - it means the world to me. Speak soon.

Cheers - Andy

PS - I've included the lyrics for you below the song - you can sing along :-)

Listen here

PPS -  Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways you can join me on this adventure and support what I do:

  1. Follow me on the interweb socials here - Follow on FaceBookSubscribe on YouTube

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