Subject: Friend - 📢 FINAL NOTICE 🕛 🏁

Hey Friend,

If you've already grabbed this offer - Thank You! it's on its way to you and you can ignore the rest of this email 😀.

However, if you're still 'on the fence' I just want to let you know that the discount ends at midnight *TONIGHT*!

Today is your last chance to get my 5 most popular CDs including Cave Sessions Vol. 2 (not yet released to the public) for over 50% off the normal price (inc. FREE shipping - any where in the world)!

Here's where you can grab ALL 5 CDs for only £27 (inc. FREE shipping)!: Click Here   

I'm holding this last minute special sale for 2 reasons:

  1. As a way to say THANK YOU to all the people who have shown their support over the years. As one of my subscribers, you made that list :-)

  2. And honestly, I'm trying to recoup some lost revenue for all the cancelled live events and gigs that are no longer in the diary due to lockdown :-(

This is by far the lowest price I have ever offered for my music, and one of these albums is currently NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE ELSE. Here's what you're getting...

  • The New Celts (featuring Robin Mark, Joanne Hogg, Brian Houston & me)

  • Engage24 - Live worship from St. Patricks

  • Mercy Tracks Me Down

  • Cave Sessions Vol.1 (recorded in an Irish cave)

  • Cave Sessions Vol. 2 (not yet officially released to the public)

It is unlikely I will ever offer my music for less... I normally can't afford to at these prices :-) But in these circumstances I think it could be win-win for both of us!

Go here right now and claim the discount before the offer expires.

Talk soon, Andy

P.S. This special sale is currently scheduled to end at midnight on Thursday 8th October. If you'd like to get your copy before it goes CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions about the offer (or anything at all), don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know how I can help.

P.P.S If you're one of the 'early adopters' who has already grabbed this, then your order is being processed as we speak - THANK YOU!

=== usual end of email stuff ===

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If you ever need to stop getting email from this newsletter - no problem just hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom and you're done!

Sometime in the past you downloaded some of my music and joined my mailing list and that's why you are officially amazing - Thank You!

Here are the details you subscribed with:

Name: Friend

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