Subject: Friend, 2 more songs for you to review & Kathryn Scott offer...

Hi Friend

I wanted to get your opinion on a couple more song ideas.

I've posted a number of blog posts on since I last emailed but I'd
like to draw your attention to the last 2 (you can, of course,
read therm all!).

They contain 2 song video clips.

The first is a re-working of one of the ideas from the 20/20
songwriting project by Faye Smith.

Faye has used the original lyrical thought and theme from song
16 and developed a different melody and rhythm along with
additional lyrics and a strong chorus (which is were the
original idea stopped at) effectively creating a new version of
the song.

I, and I'm sure Faye, would love to hear your comments. I really
like it!

I must confess I love the potential that this process has, how
an idea can develop and go in a number of directions.

The second video is a clip of our team's orientation walk
through the streets of Pattaya on our first full day there.
I've avoided lingering too much on the seedier side of life
there but at the same time wanted to let you have a glimpse of
the nature of the city.

As a sound track to the video I have added an old demo song of
mine called 'We Say Yes' which needs a re-write. So once again
I'd love to hear your suggestions and invite contributions for
this one both lyrically and musically.

If you leave me your comments on the blog for these 2 songs I'd
love to hear your feedback.

Anyways, that's it for this issue except to tell you what's
coming up soon...

I'm working through a mountain of video clips from the Pattaya
Praise event in Thailand where we led worship in brothels,
churches and public stages and the Lithuania trip were we did
worship infused music in an ex-KGB haunt and a night club. I'll
get these uploaded in the form of an end-of-year-report for you
as soon as possible.

Finally, here's a great opportunity to treat either yourself or
someone you love to a Christmas gift.

My friend and Pastor (or is that Pastor-ette) Kathryn Scott
(you're probably familiar with her songs 'Hungry', 'At the Foot
of the Cross' and others) has recorded a new album called 'I
belong' and although I'm biased I think it's great.

It's not officially released in the USA for another couple of
weeks but if you 'cross my palm with silver' I'll get you an
original signed copy via Kathryn herself.

Would you let me know if you're interested and I'll get an order
form page up on my website along with a review of the album.

Cheers & God Bless
