Subject: Update from the Greek refugee camps…

Hi Friend, 
You may not remember (And I wouldn't blame you!) but sometime back you very kindly subscribed to my prayer team email list.

I know, I know it has been a long Time since I have used it.

So without further ado here's what's happening right now:

I am currently in Greece with a team volunteering in the refugee camp's (I will fill you in on all the details later stage when we get back).

However I would appreciate a couple of quick prayer requests if that's ok.

1. Some of our team have come down with a vomiting and diarrhoea bug (I'm not the worst case but I'd appreciate a fast recovery before travelling home tomorrow). Nothing too serious in the overall scheme of things but a challenge nonetheless. 

2. Shirley, my wife, often has to deal with unexpected stuff from the 'dark-side' when I am away on this type of thing. Some family tension has raised its head while I am here.  I'd appreciate prayer for peace and healthy conflict resolution. 
Thank you for even considering partnering in prayer with these adventures. I really appreciate it.
Speak soon.

Cheers Andy 
PS I'll be updating you on the details of what we have been involved in, including healings, worship, people coming to faith and all the other good stuff God seems to love doing amongst the broken, the marginalised and the poor. 
PPS some of our team are remaining here until Sunday they would really appreciate increased favour with the guards and security staff to allow access more freely in the camps. We have already seen that taking place but more is always good!