Subject: Celebrate this Makara Sankranti 🪔 on January 15, 2023 with the divine blessings of Sri Lalitha Devi

"Celebrate Makara Sankranti

Connect with the Divine and Invoke Prosperity"

January 15th, 2023

Makara Sankranti is a significant festival in the Hindu calendar, celebrated in January every year. It marks the transition of the sun into the Makara (Capricorn) zodiac sign and signifies the arrival of spring.

On this day, it is considered auspicious to perform puja and other spiritual practices. The sun is believed to be at its closest to the earth on Makara Sankranti, making it an ideal time to connect with the divine and seek blessings.

In the guidance of Amma Sri Karunamayi, a special abhishekam to the goddess Lalitha Devi is performed on Makara Sankranti. Sri Lalitha Devi is known as the goddess of beauty, prosperity, and power, and is said to bless her devotees with health, wealth, and happiness.

We encourage you to take advantage of this powerful day by participating in puja, japa and other spiritual practices. Let us invoke the blessings of the divine mother and start the new year with positivity and prosperity.

Amma wishes all her children a Happy and Divine Makara Sankranti