Subject: ⏰Join us for the Waddell Grand Prize drawing announcement


The Waddell’s of Sawdust Alpacas

and Shop Alpaca Online



Alpaca Products for a Worthy Cause

Why are these women smiling? Because they are some of the skilled artisans from Huancayo, Peru that make the beautiful products you purchased when you attended our “Farm Store Raising." THANK YOU!


Join Us Today, March 21, at noon PDT


- Your purchases and donations help support the Waddell’s building a Farm Store. However, you only have until noon PDT TODAY!


- Every purchase, donation, and attendance during the Live Event earned you tickets towards the GRAND PRIZE. At noon we will submit all the tickets and draw a winner and a runner-up. 

- Purchases can be made with credit/debit cards and PayPal

- Join us for the LIVE reveal!



Provided by Shop Alpaca Online & Alpacas Next Door