Subject: 🦙 Video Replay - How to Increase Your Sales with Harvest Hosts

Hi, Friend:

What a great Zoom webinar on 11/10! Thank you to Rachel Taylor, the Host Relations Manager from Harvest Hosts who provided us with the answers to the questions:

  • Why become a Harvest Host?

  • How does the program work?

  • What's required of a Harvest Host?

  • What do I get in return for hosting a rig on my alpaca farm?

  • How soon can I get started?

We also heard from other satisfied Hosts who have seen increases in their farm store revenue since hosting guests. They shared several great experiences and best practices. As we found out, it’s a new profitable way to bring agritourism to your alpaca farm.

On the call, I made an offer to work with any alpaca farm that would like to get a Quickstart to becoming a Harvest Host Alpaca Ranch. This is an opportunity for a 30-minute complimentary Marketing Strategy session with me.

If you missed the link to the offer page, check out to select your time slot. After that session, you will have at least one new action step you can apply immediately to increase your sales dramatically.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me directly.If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me directly.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me direct

Harvest Hosts

The Unique RVing Experience