Subject: ALERT Alumni | Busy and exciting times!

December 2018

Dear Alumni:

These have been busy – and exciting days for us as a staff as we see God work in some special ways. A total of 47 men advanced out of Unit 60 – one of our largest units in a number of years. Kudos to our Cadre and the great job they did. A week later we celebrated the graduation of 16 guys from various units. Again special thanks and appreciation is extended to our instructors and support staff for a great ceremony and sharing together in this milestone. 

In January of 2019 we are anticipating one of our largest ERT’s in many years. To date we have 36 men registered to come back for Emergency Response Training (second phase) and others for our leadership class and EMT. What a great opportunity to continue the forging process begun in Basic. These numbers do add special logistical and instructor challenges along the way so please pray along with us that we can continue to provide not only quality training but solid discipleship for the units. This must remain foundational in all that we do here. 

ALERT 25th Anniversary Reunion on February 15-17, 2019. 
Makes plans to attend and get registerednow! Being able to see others signed up has a snowball effect and encourages others to come. We want this event to be not just a reunion of friends but a spiritually challenging weekend that includes great speakers, testimony times and fellowship that keeps our focus centered on Christ and the work He continues to do. Continue to monitor our website for details:

Other News:
  • Alumni Connection: At recent staff meetings we discussed the importance of staying in better touch with our Alumni and how we can encourage them in their ongoing walk with the Lord. Too often graduation means farewell and “you’re on your own.” We realize many of you return to spiritually starved communities where genuine fellowship is lacking and the camaraderie you experienced at ALERT is absent. While this email is designed in some small way to keep in touch, we want to go beyond an occasional letter. We would like to incorporate either personal phone calls, (which is challenging with a limited staff), an occasional regional get together or perhaps a group conference call once a month just to stay in touch and with one another and encourage each other in the Word and prayer. Our goal is to get this launched sometime in early 2019. If you have ideas or needs you would like addressed in these future connections please respond to this email and we’ll do our best to incorporate them. 
  • Job Postings: As I have shared in the past I regularly receive requests from outside employers looking for former ALERT guys to fill positions within their organization or business. We will be adding a link to our website for “Employment Opportunities” that either you as an employer or as potential job hunters can utilize to see if there is something out there that sounds like a fit. I would ask any of you that have contacted me with open positions to compose a brief ad so we can post this as a service to all alumni. 
Deployment Email List: We would like to let you know through email about deployments we will be going on to see if you would like to join us. Sign up for the deployment emails here.

Upcoming Classes: For January 2019 in addition to Emergency Response Training we are offering our Leadership and Communication Class, EMT, Mobile Response Team and Campus Support team opportunities. Please give us a call for more details.
Needs at ALERT:
  • We have an urgent need for part time instructors in our medical training of EMT’s. These positions take special individuals who can either work for us part time for modest wages while our classes are in session or, can work for us part time while also working locally either for an ambulance service or some other occupation that allows you time off to teach. If you have any interest in talking more about these opportunities please call me at 903-714-3481.
  • In the equipment arena, we are looking for both a 15 passenger van in good condition with reasonable miles and a school bus. We do have designated funds to purchase such if the price is right so please let me know if you’re aware of something that might be a good fit. 
  • Our scholarship fund is a great way to give personally to the work and to know that your donations are going directly to help others attend. There has been an increase in needs these past two years and we are thankful we have been able to assist many in offsetting their costs. 
I apologize for the length of this letter but much is happening and we want you to be fully integrated in the ongoing work here. As a final reminder, we want to hear from you! A testimony, a personal need, and/or a prayer request are all most welcome. May God’s richest blessings be on all of you this month.

In Him,  

Colonel Behr
Director, IAA
International ALERT Academy, 1 Academy Blvd, Big Sandy, TX 75755, United States
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